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A/N: Hello guys! This oneshot was requested by Riggy_iscool777! I hope you like it!

Tw: Death, explosions, being talked about.


Doni sighed. He was invisible, the potion's effects making him see-through as he peered through Rage's dirt splotched covered window, being able to make out Rage, Lynix and Bionic.

Inside he could hear talking, going on and on about how useless and how big of a loser the 'duck' was.

Anger burned up inside him, warming his body until he felt he'd faint. He hadn't done anything wrong lately! Keyword lately. But still! He didn't deserve this. He'd get his revenge. Soon. Very soon.

Tossing another potion of invisibility on himself for good measure, Doni leaped into the river, using his wings to push himself further as he swam to the glass under the house. He broke it, getting through to the other side and swimming up to perch on the wood leading out to the door and main center.

Shaking the cold water out of his thick feathers, Doni ignored the feeling as best he could. Praying they wouldn't notice the wood now dark with water, he crept up to the center with the others.

Doni listened for a few moments, then tuned out their annoying and hurtful words from his head. It didn't matter.

Seeing his potion effect start to slow down, Doni quickly fled to the staircase. He ducked behind it just in time to see himself reappear. He could now see the water dripping over him instead of just feeling it.

A few more shakes and ruffling later, and another invisibility potion, Doni pulled out some TNT from his inventory, sneaking over to the storage rooms first to cause chaos and havoc.

Dusty bookcases were bland against the golden titles of the books resting on them, a mouse hole leading at the bottom of the wall by it to the other side. A mousetrap laid nearby showed a struggling gray mouse that Doni freed, putting the mouse- now named Ice Cream- in his pocket to rest.

A few moments later in the dusty room filled with chests and crafting tables, TNT laid everywhere. Even under the floor and in the ceiling.

Doni filled the other storage rooms too similarly, adding a trail of the explosives to connect them with each other to make the show better.

Filling the kitchen cabinets and counters, he added one to the trashcan for good measure and threw a few to the middle of the room.

Doni checked on Ice Cream, who seemed to be sleeping. Not dead because she was breathing just fine.

Coming across the bedroom, Doni filled the entire area while leaving no room left. The scent of gunpowder filled the air with it's sharp scent, a few gray particles drifting to the ground.

Once the whole house was filled, not including the center where the others still talked, Doni left back through the glass again, pouring a tiny bit of water breathing on his new mouse friend before diving.

Flying back through the wispy clouds, the sun high in the blue sky, Doni spread his wings wide, letting the sun dry his feathers while gliding in the cool breeze. He soaked up the warmth, feeling pure bliss fill him as his attention turned away from the harshness of his 'friends' words about him.

Arriving at his destination, Bionic's house, more TNT was summoned from the air to his hand. A brick was thrown through the window, and Doni reached through and unlocked the door. Opening it, he stepped carefully inside, making sure not to cut his feet on the broken shards of glass.

The kitchen was filled, same as the storage rooms. Next came the basement, then the bedroom. The living room was stuffed with explosives. Bionic didn't have anything too valuable anyway. But he would have to walk all the way back to spawn, and then his house. Maybe Doni would include him in the next video. Before he left, he made sure the charging area was within TNT range.

A line of explosives connected Rage's house to Bionic's. He could still see them talking inside. Jeez, did they do nothing with their lives? Well, they'd be busy for the next few days, that was for sure!

A quick trip took him to Lynix's house made of cobblestone and wood. A few flaps of his wings and Doni was on top of the home.

Crawling carefully through the chimney- that thankfully wasn't lit- Doni hopped over the metal wire holding the fire back from spreading.

TNT was placed in chests, chairs padded with the stuff. Climbing the ladder, he blocked the window and added some to the inside of boxes and barrels, the rugs hiding the red and white objects underneath.

Checking Ice Cream, Doni noticed that she was awake, peering up at him with big, expressive blue eyes. Her fur was light gray, and her tiny paws, tail, nose, and inside of her ears a pale pink. She was adorable.

Back down the ladder, Doni filled the dark and dusty basement before going back to the first floor.

Holding up a jingly cat toy he had found, Doni shook it. Instantly, a male black cat was beside him, meowing repeatedly.

Smiling, he bent down and picked him up. "Aww, hello Batman!" Holding the purring cat to his chest, being careful not to squish Ice Cream, Doni left the house.

Another trail of TNT finally connected all the houses. Doni stood where it all met, his eyes full of mischief and excitement.

With a final sounding lever flick, the TNT started flashing white.

With Batman and Ice Cream still safely with him, Doni flew up, watching happily as the houses disappeared in white puffs of smoke and three new death messages appeared.

Turning towards his house, Doni headed towards it, Batman tucked safely under his arm and Ice Cream in his pocket, he went home.


A/N: Hello again! This was requested by Riggy_iscool77! Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day/night!

Words: 1008

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