Chapter 7: All Is Fair In Love And Carnival Games

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"I Want To Be With You" by chloe moriondo
"Vicious" by Bohnes
"Meddle About" by Chase Atlantic
"It Gets Worse" by the apology club


I'm not sure about saving the world, but the two of us certainly are powerful together. Uncle Fester says that he's going to go visit Wednesday and that Thing missed her and Enid. I feel slightly offended that Thing hadn't even bothered to make an appearance or acknowledge me, but I have more important matters to deal with. I dig my cell phone out of my pocket with still shaking hands.

"Anna, who are you calling?" Xavier asks softly.

"My mother," I say shakily. "I don't care if I ever see them again."

Xavier gently pries my phone out of my hands and slides it into his pocket. "I'm just as pissed as you are, but calling them when you're like this is a bad idea."

I know he's right, but I still want nothing more than to call my mother and tell her everything I'm feeling. "Fine. But, I'm calling her tomorrow."

He kisses my nose and smiles. "You can always blow up more trees if you're still angry."

I roll my eyes before laughing and feel the anger wash away. He takes my hand in his and we continue our path back to Nevermore through the Jericho woods.

"Do you know what the symbol on the pendant between our initials means?" He asks me, insinuating he knows and is eager to tell me.

I shake my head.

"Unconditional love."

I smile and squeeze his hand. The thought of us being part of some huge prophecy to save the world is bizarre to me. Plus, didn't Wednesday already do enough saving last year?

Back at the school, Xavier walks me to my dorm so I can catch up on some homework before the harvest festival. "I'll meet you here around 4:30, okay, Princess?"

I nod and kiss him once more before we part ways. When I open the door to my dorm, Enid is rummaging through her closet and Wednesday is typing by the window.

Enid notices me and runs over excitedly. "Anna! I've missed you! How are things with Xavier?" She winks and I can hear Wednesday groan.

"They're great actually," I say before leaning in and whispering, "He told me 'I'm yours.'"

She squeals and hugs me. "Oh em gee, that's so adorable!"

I ask how things are going in Ophelia Hall and Enid says, "Well, Ajax and I are great, but I don't know what's up with Wednesday."

"Did you hear about Bianca?" I ask Enid who is very close friends with Yoko.

"Yes, oh my gosh, it's so crazy, isn't it? For her to just go missing like that?" Enid says to me quietly.

Wednesday perks up at the word "missing" and turns around in her chair. "Bianca is missing? For how long?"

I shrug. "Since like Wednesday. Why? Trying to find another mystery to solve, Velma?"

She scowls at me and folds her arms across her chest. "And here I thought we were getting closer."

"It's a joke, Wednesday. Lighten up," I say before handing her the photo uncle Fester gave me earlier. "Although it is incredibly messed up what you did to Xavier, if he's moved past it then I will too."

She stares at the photo and I swear I see a little smile creep across her face. "I remember this!"

Enid squeezes in between us to see what we are looking at. "Is that you and Anna when you were kids? Who's the boy?"

Love Like Winter ❄️ Xavier Thorpe Where stories live. Discover now