Chapter 31 (3rd Person POV): Love Tastes Sweet 🌶️🌶️

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A/N: Smut warning


The room was dimly lit with flickering candles, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Acantha twirled her long red hair around her fingers as she watched Wednesday and Tyler embrace. The scent of incense filled the air, blending with the electric tension that crackled between them.

"I didn't think you two would ever agree on a movie," Acantha teased, her voice a soft purr.

Wednesday pulled away from Tyler, her dark eyes flashing. "It wasn't easy, but I guess we found some common ground."

Tyler grinned, his brown eyes sparkling. "Yeah, who knew zombies could bring us together?"

"Well, I'm glad you did," Acantha said, her gaze shifting between them. "It's already almost midnight though."

Wednesday nodded, her black hair falling over her face. "Let's not waste any more time, then."

Without another word, they began to shed their clothes, each revealing skin that shone like alabaster in the candlelight. Acantha's blue eyes widened as she took in the sight of her lovers, their bodies moving with a grace that belied the urgency pulsing through her veins.

Tyler reached for Wednesday first, his hands skimming over her small breasts, tracing the curve of her hips. Acantha watched, her breath coming faster as she drank in the sight of them. Wednesday moaned softly, arching into Tyler's touch, her fingers tangling in his brown hair.

Acantha moved closer, her heart pounding in her chest. She ran her fingers along Wednesday's back, feeling the muscles tense and relax under her touch. The sweet scent of her girlfriend's arousal filled the air, mingling with Tyler's earthy masculine scent.

"You're so beautiful," Acantha whispered in Wednesday's ear, her praise sending a shiver through the other girl's body.

Tyler pulled away from Wednesday, his eyes locking on Acantha. "So are you, my sweet witch." He reached for her, his fingers trailing over her collarbone, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

Acantha shivered, her eyes closing for a moment as she allowed herself to be lost in the sensations he evoked. She felt Wednesday's hands on her thighs, her touch gentle but insistent.

"Don't leave me out," Wednesday murmured, her voice low and husky.

Acantha opened her eyes, meeting her girlfriend's dark gaze. She felt a thrill of desire course through her as she realized that Wednesday was just as eager for this as she and Tyler were.

In that moment, Acantha made a decision. This threesome would be different from anything they had experienced before. She would make sure that both Wednesday and Tyler enjoyed every second of it, and she would revel in the pleasure they derived from her words and actions.

With a smile, Acantha leaned forward, her lips brushing against Wednesday's ear. "You know I couldn't possibly forget about you, my love," she purred.

The words seemed to unlock something within Wednesday. With a growl, she spun Acantha around, pressing her against the cold wall of the basement. Acantha gasped, her breath catching in her throat as Wednesday's lips trailed down her neck, her tongue darting out to taste her skin.

"You know what I want," Wednesday whispered, her fingers splaying across Acantha's stomach.

Acantha's eyes fluttered closed as she felt Tyler's hands on her breasts, his thumbs circling her nipples. "Yes," she breathed. "I know exactly what you want."

As their passion intensified, Acantha let go of her inhibitions, allowing her true desires to rise to the surface. With each praising word she uttered, each touch she bestowed upon her lovers, she felt an invisible bond forming between them. This was no ordinary threesome; this was a union of souls, a connection that transcended mere physical pleasure.

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