Chapter 27: The Psychic, The Witch, and The Hyde

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"But if she's Laurel's daughter, isn't she probably around the same age as us?" I ask Wednesday.

She shrugs. "I don't know, I didn't have the vision, Carina did. I just didn't want her to try and use Tyler against us."

I didn't forget that Carina said that Acantha was a witch though, but I have a gnawing feeling that Wednesday did forget. "She's a witch though."

"I know, Anna. I'm working on that." Wednesday scowls. "Let's just all go to bed and come back to this in the morning, okay?"

We all agree and Wednesday and Tyler leave the room. I assume that Tyler is going to go home and Wednesday will just grab Carina on the way back to her room, but I'm honestly just too exhausted to think about it right now. I snuggle up against Xavier's chest and drift off to sleep in a matter of minutes.


The next morning, I'm woken up by Wednesday calling me around 6:00 in the morning. "Anna, are you awake?"

"I am now," I say groggily. "What's wrong?"

"Your sister's vision was a little bit off. Acantha isn't the one that wants you all dead, the vampire she works with, Levi Crackstone, is." She says.

I yawn, not because I'm bored, but because it's super early. "How do you know this?"

"Because Acantha wants to meet up with you and me." Wednesday says without hesitation. "I told her we would meet up with her in an hour at the usual campus woods meeting spot."

I can barely comprehend what she's saying but I nod and agree. "Okay, Wednesday, I'll be there."

Xavier stirs beside me and I press my lips to his and whisper in his ear, "I have to go meet Wednesday, but I'll be back. I love you."

"Why are you meeting Wednesday at like six in the morning?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

I take a deep breath and chew on my bottom lip, not wanting to lie to him but also not wanting to worry him. Lying to him almost ruined us before though, so I figure I should just tell him.

"Somehow, Laurel's daughter contacted her and wanted to meet up with the two of us."

Xavier furrows his eyebrows. "Okay, I know that Wednesday is extremely naive but ..."

"She said that the vampire that works with her is the one behind it all, not her. Apparently he's literally a Crackstone," I say.

"So, Acantha wants to meet up with the girl who killed her mother and the girl that basically blew up that facility, and the two of you are just going with it?" Xavier sighs. "I'm coming with you. She can deal with it."

I shrug. "Fine with me. I'm surprised she isn't bringing Tyler."

"She probably should," he says under his breath. "I have absolutely no reason to trust that girl and every reason not to."

I don't know what to say to him. I understand where he's coming from, obviously. Those crazy bastards that worked for Laurel are the ones who kidnapped me and just about killed the love of my life. Why was this girl even wanting to meet up in the first place? Xavier and I get out of bed and get dressed before heading downstairs and out into the campus woods. Wednesday isn't here yet, which is really unusual for her.

There's a girl with long red hair crouched down by a bush and it looks like she's searching for something. She hears Xavier and I approach and jumps up, startled.

"You're not Wednesday," she frowns and her bright blue eyes gleam with apprehension.

I shake my head. "No, I'm definitely not. I'm Annamaria and this is my fiancé, Xavier."

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