Chapter 26: We Won the Battle, but Not Yet the War

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We decide to go back to Nevermore early because being away from everyone is getting to be hard, especially with the death of my parents haunting my mind. I didn't like them, not at all, but ever since Xavier had me remember that day at the beach with them, it's like my heart remembered how to love them.

As Xavier pulls up to Nevermore, I see Wednesday and Carina standing outside waiting for us. I get out of the van and am nearly trampled by my sister running into my arms.

"Anna! I missed you, I thought you weren't coming back for two more days," she says with tears in her eyes.

I rub her back gently and say, "I missed you too. I missed everyone actually, which is why we came back early."

Wednesday comes over and raises her eyebrows at me. "How are you doing?"

"Better than I probably should be." I shrug. "How is she doing?"

"About the same as you. Weems is letting her stay here in our room until the funeral, not that it affects you, you haven't slept in your room in months," she smirks.

I roll my eyes and feel Xavier come up behind me and put an arm around my waist. Carina notices him and perks up immediately.

"Hi, Xavy." She says quietly. "Thank you for bringing my sister back."

He crouches down in front of her and smiles because he's so much taller than her. "Of course. We actually have some big news to tell you, Carina," he looks up at me and I nod so he knows it's okay to tell her. "You're going to be an aunt in around May or June."

Carina squints and thinks. "Wait ... I'm going to be an aunt? Anna is having a baby?"

Xavier nods and Carina squeals in excitement, throwing her arms around Xavier. "Oh my god! That's amazing! So you're gonna marry her and have babies just like I predicted?"

Wednesday comes and whispers in my ear, "Are you asking Carina to be your maid of honor?"

"I was going to ask you," I whisper.

She smiles at me and glances towards my sister. "She's way more fit for the job than I am."

I turn towards Carina and ask, "Carina, will you do me the honor of being my maid of honor when Xavier and I get married? We don't have anything planned yet, but I just wanted to ask you ahead of time."

"Yes! I'd love that more than anything, Anna!" She hugs me again.

Xavier grabs our bags from the van and then the four of us go inside Nevermore and up to Xavier's room. Wednesday immediately claims the desk chair and Carina plops down on the spare bed.

"Hey, I could just stay in here!"

"Absolutely not," Wednesday scowls. "You're staying with Enid and me."

Xavier laughs. "Oh, because you're such a great influence, Wednesday."

She glares at him. "I'd like to think so, yes."

"Okay, well, she's just a kid, so try not to corrupt her soul," he says, glancing between Wednesday and my sister.

I truly do enjoy their banter, when they aren't at each other's throats, but obviously my mind was pretty preoccupied. "Hey, Wednesday, do you know when the uh ..."

"Funeral is?" She finishes my question for me and I nod. "It's this Friday."

Well, at least I have a few more days to process this. I sit down on Xavier's bed and shut my eyes, just thinking about how much death has been surrounding me. The love of my life died in my arms, thankfully he's still here with me, but that pain is something I don't think anything will ever compare to. They do say everyone grieves differently though.

Love Like Winter ❄️ Xavier Thorpe Where stories live. Discover now