Chapter 37: Can You Talk to the Dead?

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As we venture towards the secluded cottage nestled amidst the vibrant hues of November, an inexplicable sense of unease settles upon me. The crisp air carries with it a weight, as if the very essence of the season has taken on a darker, more mysterious form. The atmosphere is heavy with an eerie stillness, and an undercurrent of foreboding tugs at my senses.

We move across the threshold of Autumn's abode, an immediate sense of gloom envelops us. The dimly lit interior seems to absorb the light, casting elongated shadows that dance eerily upon the walls. The ambiance itself seems to whisper secrets and hidden intentions, leaving us to wonder if we have unwittingly stepped into a trap.

And there she is, Autumn, standing before us with an air of mystery. Her eyes are guarded and unreadable, giving away nothing. The silence hangs thick in the air, broken only by occasional cryptic remarks. It's hard to tell if we can really trust her or if we've walked right into a sketchy situation.

"Uh ... hi?" Tyler asks the odd girl standing in the corner.

She steps out from the corner and looks Tyler up and down, keeping her arms crossed against her chest. Her eyes look past him at Wednesday and her sister, Acantha, but she says nothing.

"Hey there," Tyler nervously greets Autumn, trying to break the tension. "We've heard a lot about you. Your sister has been dying to come and get you for awhile now."

Autumn's gaze lingers on Tyler for a moment, her expression inscrutable. She then shifts her attention to Wednesday and Acantha, her eyes searching their faces before finally speaking. "I don't even know you, why would I just go with you? Trust is earned, not freely given," she responds, her voice carrying a hint of caution. "I've seen too many betrayals, too many broken promises."

Well, this girl is completely different from her sister. Xavier and I try to hang back so the sheer number of us doesn't spook her, but her eyes land on me curiously.

"You," she tilts her head to the right slightly as she stares at me. "Your powers are similar to mine."

I just shrug and consider hiding behind Xavier, but I'm not five and I should be able handle myself around Acantha's little sister. "They are? What are your powers?"

"I can conjure lightning from the sky," a grin appears on her face, but it looks almost demonic. "I can't create it out of my hands though, like you."

She steps towards me, keeping her face remote the whole time, which sends a chill down my spine. "I don't know why my mom was obsessed with that one," she gestured towards Wednesday. "You're the one with the real power."

It feels like she's staring into my soul and not in a good way. Her strawberry blonde hair falls in front of her face, casting shadows over her face as she continues to stare at me. She reaches out and grabs my arm gently, laying the back of my hand against her palm. I release a little bit of my electricity, sending a small shock through her.

Autumn's eyes widen slightly and she grins. "See, now, you'd be quite useful."

Acantha grabs her sister by the shoulders and moves her to the side of the room, staring at her with frustration. "Autumn, what the fuck are you doing? You're acting like an absolute creep."

Her sister lets out a sigh and rolls her eyes. "Well I couldn't let them think I'm weak."

"No, they don't think you're weak, Autumn, just suspicious as hell, so drop the act. We didn't come all this way for that." Acantha shakes her head at her sister.

Autumn groans and rolls her eyes again, crossing her arms across her chest. "Ugh, fine, mother."

"Don't call me that." Acantha growls. "You know I'm not like Mom."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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