Chapter 36: We Have No Secrets, Not Anymore

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I jolt awake, my heart pounding in my chest as the remnants of a haunting nightmare cling to my consciousness. The room is cloaked in darkness, and a cold sweat covers my body, making me shiver involuntarily. The vivid images from my dream still linger in my mind, casting a shadow of unease over my thoughts.

I glance around the room, searching for any source of comfort or familiarity to anchor me back to reality. The moonlight seeps through the curtains, casting eerie shadows across the room. I long for the warmth and reassurance of daylight, as the darkness seems to amplify my fears.

It's been like this for the past few nights. I don't know if it's because of being like three months pregnant or what, but I wish it would stop. The night terrors are getting to be too much. Xavier normally wakes up and comforts me when it happens, but I don't want to bother him with this. I feel like I bother him enough just by existing.

Ugh. This depression shit has got to go. I guess I shouldn't really be shocked considering the near spiral I had last night, all over some stupid girl that Xavier never even touched.

Xavier stirs beside me and he realizes I'm not lying beside him anymore so he turns over towards me and sits up. "Hey. You okay?"

I shake my head. "Not really. I don't know why this is happening. Maybe Acantha can put some sort of spell on me to fix my fucked up brain."

"Your brain isn't fucked up, your brain is perfect, just like you are." He kisses the top of my head and I know he's trying to cheer me up, but I'm feeling so dark.

As Xavier's comforting words wash over me, I try to shake off the darkness that has settled within. I take a deep breath, hoping to find some semblance of peace amidst the turmoil.

"I know you mean well, Xavier," I whisper, my voice trembling slightly. "But sometimes it feels like my mind is playing tricks on me. These nightmares, these intrusive thoughts, they weigh me down."

Xavier reaches out and gently takes my hand, his touch grounding me in the present. "You're not alone in this, my love," he assures me, his voice filled with sincerity. "We'll find a way to navigate through this together."

His unwavering support gives me a glimmer of hope, and I find the strength to share my innermost fears. "I've been thinking... Maybe it's time to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor who can guide me through this darkness. I don't want to burden you with my struggles anymore."

Xavier's eyes soften, understanding the depth of my pain. "Princess, you could never be a burden to me. Your well-being matters more than anything else. If seeing a professional will help, then I fully support your decision."

A wave of gratitude washes over me, knowing that Xavier is by my side no matter what. Encouraged by his words, I make a promise to myself to take the necessary steps towards healing.

Xavier pulls me into a tight embrace, his warmth enveloping me like a shield against the darkness. "I'm here for you, always," he whispers, his words echoing in my heart. "Do you want to watch a movie or we can just lay here together and talk or something?"

"What about that show you and Tyler were talking about earlier?" I ask, curiously.

"You? That show is probably not the best thing to watch if you're already in a dark headspace, Princess. How about we watch something more lighthearted?" He gets out of bed and starts looking through his movies, setting a few aside.

He comes back over to the bed and lays the movies out on the bed in front of me. "We have WALL-E, Paul, Pixels, or James and the Giant Peach. Speaking of James and the Giant Peach, did I ever tell you about my first dream?"

Love Like Winter ❄️ Xavier Thorpe Where stories live. Discover now