Chapter 30 (Anna's POV): Realizations and Reminiscences

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(Anna's POV)

Thursday morning, Wednesday calls me and asks if the three of them can come over so they can fill us in on everything that went down with Levi and obviously I tell her yes, even though I've felt awful all morning. Maybe Zoey can just sense that there's some bad shit about to go down.

"You can just rest when they come, Princess." Xavier says once I'm off the phone.

I shake my head and pull my knees up to my chest. "I'll be okay, Xav. I don't think I'll be able to interact much, but I'll be here."

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my temple. "If they get too rowdy, I'll make them leave and then I'll run you a bath and we can order takeout from wherever you want."

"That's only if they get rowdy?" I frown and he starts laughing.

"I was trying to make sure you know I'll take care of you, Princess. Obviously I'll do all of those things for you anyway."

There's a knock at the door and Xavier goes to answer it, figuring it's Tyler, Wednesday, and Acantha, but it's actually Enid and Ajax. "Oh, hey, guys."

Enid comes inside and drags Ajax behind her. "Wednesday called us and told us to meet her here, something about needing to tell us about the creepy old ass vampire dude."

Xavier moves two chairs over towards the bed where I am so Enid and Ajax can sit. "So, have you met Acantha yet?"

Enid raises an eyebrow at him. "Who?"

"Wednesday and Tyler's girlfriend, she's Thornhill's daughter," Xavier says, knowing that Enid has no clue what the hell he's talking about.

She blinks at him and looks at Ajax who just shrugs. "You're joking, right?"

"I'm actually not. You'll see when they get here," Xavier tries to stifle a laugh.

Enid turns to me behind her and says, "Your aunt and uncle wanted me to send you their love when they picked up Carina yesterday. Did she tell you about her and Kent? So cute!"

I nod and smile as there's another knock at the door and unless Wednesday has invited more people over, it has to be them. Xavier goes and answers it and Enid's eyes widen as the three of them come into the room. Wednesday pulls both of them over to the spare bed and she sits between Tyler and Acantha.

"So, as you know, we went and followed Acantha yesterday when she met up with Levi Crackstone and-" Wednesday starts but Enid stops her.

"Whoa, hold on a second, Wednesday. You never even told Ajax and me who this girl is or where she came from or who Levi is," Enid stares at her.

Wednesday scowls at Enid and Tyler notices, so he laughs and says, "Okay, why don't you let me explain?"

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms across her chest. "Fine."

"This is Acantha Thornhill, she's a green witch, so she can conjure fire and make protection charms and influence people's thoughts if she touches them," he stands up and gestures to the pretty redhead beside Wednesday. "And, this is Enid Sinclair and Ajax Petropolus. Enid is a werewolf and Ajax is a gorgon."

Acantha jumps up and goes to shake Enid and Ajax's hands. "It's really nice to meet you guys! I've never met a werewolf or a gorgon actually!"

Enid smiles pretty brightly at Acantha's energy and enthusiasm, it's definitely not something she ever gets from Wednesday. "You're so bright and cheery," Enid beams. "How'd you end up with those two?"

Xavier has to cover his mouth so they don't see him trying not to laugh.

"You mean Ty and Wenny? She was gracious enough to meet with me and hear me out and then I met Tyler and we all just hit it off," Acantha says.

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