Chapter 28: Saying Goodbye is Hard, Especially When its the Last

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"You know what I just realized?" I say into Xavier's chest the next morning when we wake up.

"What, Princess?" He says sleepily.

I giggle. "Carina never even got to meet Tyler and now she gets to meet Tyler and Acantha."

Xavier laughs. "Maybe that'll lighten the mood today a little."

My phone rings and it's Wednesday. "Hey, Wednesday, we were just talking about you."

"Oh, fantastic," she grumbles. "Are you guys going to be ready soon?"

I look at Xavier and shrug. "You are literally up at the crack of dawn again. What, did you guys not sleep or something?"

"Anna, I swear to God," she tries to sound upset but I can hear the amusement hiding in her voice, and I can also hear Tyler and Acantha in the background laughing.

"Yeah, we stayed up all night watching horror movies!" Acantha yells into the phone. "Well, we did for awhile anyway!"

Wednesday tries to cover the phone and whispers, "Will you two shut the hell up? Anna and Xavier give me a hard enough time about Tyler, let alone the two of you."

I try really hard not to laugh, but I don't want her to know I heard everything she just said. "Uh ... Wednesday?"

"What?" She says and I hear Acantha laughing in the background again. "Okay, look, just meet me downstairs in like an hour with Carina, please."

She hangs up and I raise my eyebrows at Xavier. "Well they're going to be a handful."

I call Enid and ask her if she can get Carina ready for me with something nice from either my or her closet. "Absolutely no worries at all, bestie! I will have her ready in like a half hour. I'll bring her up to you guys when she's ready."

We hang up the phone and I tell Xavier we need to get ready too. I put on my black spiderweb lace corset dress with my black wedges that have ribbons that tie up around my calves. Xavier wears a black t-shirt underneath his gray overcoat and black pants. It's probably the most formal the two of us have ever dressed, and we honestly do look really good even though it's not exactly a happy occasion.

Enid brings up Carina who is wearing one of my dresses. It's a dark blue off the shoulder lace dress with her light blue converse shoes. She also has a light blue bow tied into her hair.

"Wow, Carina, you look beautiful!" I say as she comes into the room and gives me a hug.

She smiles at me but I can see the sadness in her eyes. "Thank you, Anna, you do too. Are we meeting Wednesday downstairs?"

"Yep, sis. We're meeting um ... Wednesday and Tyler and Acantha." I say, trying to not laugh.

Carina raises an eyebrow. "Who's Acantha? Wait, are they in a poly relationship?"

I nod. "Yeah, I think so. You know about that?"

She smiles. "That's adorable! I can't imagine Wednesday dating even one person, let alone two. And yeah, one of my friends at school was polyamorous."

My sister pulls out her cell phone and starts smiling as she reads something. She sees me watching her and she shoves her phone back into her pocket and tries to act like she was not just giggling and blushing at whatever was on her phone.

"Who's got you all smiley?" I ask her, smirking.

She shakes her head and tries to keep a straight face. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

I just stare at her and sigh, waiting for her to cave. She rolls her eyes and throws up her hands. "It's Kent, okay? I sent him a picture that Enid took of me all dressed up and he said I looked really pretty."

Love Like Winter ❄️ Xavier Thorpe Where stories live. Discover now