Chapter 35: Girls Day Out, Gone Wrong

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The next morning, Xavier and I let Enid know what happened last night and that Levi was finally dead.

"So, does that mean that we can go to the Rave'N?" She asks, her eyes filled with hope.

I nod. "Yeah, I would say we're safe to go to the dance just like everyone else."

She squeals and jumps up and down. "Oh em gee! Yay! That's so awesome! Anna, you and I HAVE to go into town with Wednesday and Acantha to get dresses!"

"I'm sure Wednesday would just love that," I say, grinning, wondering if Enid will pick up on my sarcasm. "Acantha definitely will though."

"Can we go ... now? Are you busy?" She sways back and forth on her feet.

I look behind me at Xavier and he nods with a smile. "You guys go, maybe Tyler and I will hang out or something."

With a deep breath, she dials Wednesday's number and waits anxiously for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Wednesday's voice comes through the phone, calm and collected as always.

Enid blurts out, "Hey, Wednesday! It's Enid. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Wednesday's tone softens. "Enid, what a surprise! No, you're not interrupting anything. What's on your mind?"

Enid hesitates for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Well, you know how Anna and I have been talking about going dress shopping for the Rave'N?"

Wednesday replies, "Yes, I remember. What about it?"

Enid's nerves seem to be getting the better of her, but she pushes through. "Actually, that's why I'm calling. I was wondering if you'd be willing to come dress shopping with us. I know you have a great sense of style, and I could really use your help."

There's a pause on the other end of the line, and Enid holds her breath, waiting for Wednesday's response.

"Enid, I appreciate the invitation, but as you know, I'm not really into shopping or fashion. It's just not my thing. If you were shopping for knives or something, maybe," Wednesday finally replies.

Enid refuses to give up. "I understand, Wednesday, but you have such a unique style, and I really value your opinion. Plus, it would mean a lot to Anna if you were there. She looks up to you, you know."

Wednesday scoffs. "She looks up to me? I doubt that, but-"

Acantha cut Wednesday off in the background, excitedly asking, "Wait, Wednesday! Did I hear dress shopping? That sounds amazing!"

Wednesday's voice softens, hinting at a possible change of heart. "Enid, give me a moment, please." There's a muffled conversation in the background, and then Wednesday returns to the phone. "Fine, we'll join you on your dreadful mission. When are you going?"

"Uh ... now! If everyone is free. Xavier was going to drive the three of us to Tyler's house and then he was gonna just hang out with Tyler while the four of us go shopping!" Enid gushes about her plan.

Wednesday sighs. "Sounds ..."

"It sounds great, Enid! We'll see you guys soon!" Acantha says into the phone before they hang up.

She lets out a sigh of relief. "Well, that's settled, at least."

Xavier takes my hand and Enid follows us outside to his green van, which we haven't rode in since our trip to Salem. Hopefully it doesn't break down on the way to Tyler's house, because we might just have to call someone at that point. Enid climbs into the back, which we've converted back into seats from the bed it was before, and I sit beside Xavier in the front.

Love Like Winter ❄️ Xavier Thorpe Where stories live. Discover now