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In the stillness of the night, a heart once full of light,

Now shattered by the darkness of a soul taking flight.

A loved one gone too soon, leaving behind a void,

A pain so deep and lasting, impossible to avoid.

The echoes of your laughter, the memories we shared,

Now tainted by the sorrow of knowing you're no longer there.

Questions without answers, reasons left untold,

Leaves us grasping at the fragments of a story left cold.

The weight of your absence, a burden hard to bear,

Leaves us searching for solace in a world so unfair.

The silence speaks volumes, the emptiness profound,

As we navigate this journey where healing can be found.

We'll cherish every moment, every smile, every tear,

Knowing you're watching over us, your presence ever near.

Your spirit lives within us, a light that will not fade,

Guiding us through the darkness, giving us the strength to wade.

Though the pain may linger, and the wounds may never heal,

We'll hold onto the love we shared, the memories that are real.

In the tapestry of life, your thread will always shine,

A reminder of the beauty in a life once intertwined.

So rest in peace, dear one, in the arms of the divine,

Your journey may have ended, but your legacy will shine.

We'll carry you within us, in our hearts you'll always stay,

As we navigate this life until we meet again someday.

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