fields of dreams

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In a field of dreams, tall and bright,
Stands a sunflower, a beacon of light.
Its petals golden, reaching high,
A symbol of friendship that never says goodbye.

Roots deep in the earth, strong and true,
Like bonds of friendship, tried and true.
Through storms and sunshine, it stands tall,
A constant presence through it all.

Each petal a memory, a shared laugh,
A friendship that's built to last.
In the dance of wind and rain,
It whispers secrets, easing pain.

A sunflower's face, always turned towards the sun,
Like a friend's support, never to shun.
In its beauty, a message clear,
Friendship's warmth always near.

So let the sunflower be our guide,
In friendship's garden, side by side.
A reminder of the love we share,
A bond that's beyond compare.

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