i wish he was here

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In the land of innocence and play,
A child roamed alone day by day.
No father's hand to hold so tight,
No gentle voice to kiss goodnight.

Through fields of laughter and tears,
He walked, confronting his fears.
His heart ached for a love so true,
A father's warmth, he never knew.

The absence of a guiding hand,
Cast shadows across the land.
No one to teach him right from wrong,
No lullabies, no bedtime song.

But in his heart, a spark did glow,
A strength that only he did know.
For in the absence of a father's care,
He found his own path to bear.

He learned to stand tall and strong,
To dance to the beat of his own song.
For though his father was not there,
He found love in the world to share.

Childhood passed with its joys and strife,
But he carried within him a spark of life.
A beacon of hope in the darkest night,
A testament to his own inner light.

So let us remember this child so brave,
Who found his way through life's cruel wave.

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