can i recover

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In the depths of despair, a silent cry,
A battle within, a tear-stained sky.
Self-harm once a refuge, a misguided friend,
Leaving scars unseen, wounds that never mend.

But in the heart of darkness, a flicker of light,
A whisper of hope, a chance to fight.
Recovery calls, a path to embrace,
A journey of healing, a newfound grace.

With each passing day, a step towards the sun,
Breaking free from chains that once had won.
Courage blooms, like a fragile flower,
Resilience grows, gaining power.

Therapy's embrace, a safe space to share,
Unveiling the pain, the burdens we bear.
Learning new ways to cope and to mend,
Building strength that will not bend.

Supportive hands reach out, a lifeline strong,
Guiding you forward, where you belong.
In the echoes of the past, a gentle release,
Embracing a future filled with peace.

Scars may linger, a reminder of the past,
But they no longer define you, they won't last.
For in the journey of recovery, you find,
A renewed sense of self, a heart unconfined.

So hold on to hope, let healing begin,
Embrace the journey, let light seep in.
Recovery with self-harm is a winding road,
But with each step forward, your strength is showed.

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