anger or rage

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In the heart of sorrow, a tempest brews,
A fiery rage, a storm that rages true.
From deep within, it slowly starts to rise,
Consuming all, beneath the angry skies.

A force of nature, untamed and wild,
A burning fire, fierce and undefiled.
It lashes out with words sharp as a knife,
Leaving scars upon the tapestry of life.

In moments lost to anger's heated flame,
Reason fades, consumed by bitter blame.
The world grows dim, distorted by the wrath,
As fury paints a path along life's path.

But in the aftermath of rage's roar,
Regret and sorrow at its core.
For in its wake, it leaves a barren land,
Where once stood bridges built by gentle hand.

So heed the call to tame the beast within,
To quell the storm before it can begin.
For in the calm, true strength is found,
In peace and love, our souls are truly crowned.

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