losing my identity

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In the shadows of the moon's soft glow,
There walks a soul lost in the ebb and flow.
A spirit adrift in the sea of life,
Struggling in the midst of internal strife.

No mirror reflects the face within,
No compass guides where to begin.
Identity, a puzzle left unsolved,
A mystery that cannot be resolved.

Who am I in this vast expanse?
A ghostly figure caught in a trance,
Yearning to find a place to belong,
Yet feeling like a note without a song.

In the hush of the night, whispers call,
Echoes of a self that seems so small.
Searching for meaning in the void,
Aching to be seen, to be enjoyed.

But the world looks on with eyes so blind,
Unable to see the gem they could find.
A diamond in the rough, waiting to shine,
Yearning to break free from the confines.

In the silence, a voice begins to rise,
A flame of truth that never dies.
I am more than what others see,
I am the essence of what could be.

No longer lost in the sea of doubt,
I stand tall, my spirit devout.
For in the depths of my own heart,
I find the courage to make a start.

To paint my own canvas, to sing my own song,
To dance to the beat where I belong.
No longer defined by others' decree,
I am the author of my own identity.

So let the world gaze upon my face,
For I am a masterpiece, a work of grace.
No longer lost, but found at last,
A soul reborn from the shadows cast.

Embracing the truth that sets me free,
I am the essence of all I can be.
Lacking self-identity no more,
I stand proud, my true self I adore.

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