he didnt mean it

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In the shadows of the home, a darkness creeps,
Where love turns to fear, where silence weeps.
Domestic violence, a cruel and bitter brew,
Leaving scars unseen, wounds deep and true.

Behind closed doors, a nightmare unfolds,
A cycle of abuse, a story left untold.
Words like weapons, cutting through the air,
Leaving hearts shattered, beyond repair.

Physical blows, a bruised and broken skin,
A painful reminder of the battle within.
Emotional torment, a relentless ache,
Leaving souls tattered, hearts ready to break.

Children bearing witness, innocence lost,
Their tender hearts paying the ultimate cost.
A cycle repeating, generation to generation,
A legacy of pain and devastation.

But in the midst of the darkness, a glimmer of light,
Courage rising, ready to fight.
Voices breaking through the suffocating hush,
Seeking safety, seeking a just and fair rush.

Shelters open their doors, a sanctuary found,
A refuge from the storm, on solid ground.
Support and strength, a community's embrace,
Healing wounds, restoring grace.

Courageous survivors, rising from the debris,
Reclaiming their voices, setting themselves free.
Breaking chains of oppression, standing tall,
Refusing to be victims, answering the call.

Poetry Of A BorderlineWhere stories live. Discover now