dance of love

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In the gentle dance of life, a story unfolds,

As I watch my best friend's heart, in love, behold.

A radiant glow upon their face, a sparkle in their eye,

A blossoming of joy and warmth, as love begins to fly.

I see the world in vibrant hues, through their eyes so bright,

As they soar on wings of passion, taking flight.

A symphony of laughter, a melody of grace,

In the embrace of love, they find their place.

I witness the magic of two souls entwined,

In a dance of love, pure and kind.

Each moment shared, a treasure to behold,

As their love story beautifully unfolds.

I see them grow and flourish, like a flower in bloom,

Nurturing each other, dispelling any gloom.

Their bond deepening with each passing day,

In a love that's steadfast, come what may.

I marvel at the beauty of their connection so true,

A bond forged in friendship, strong and anew.

Their love a beacon, shining bright and clear,

Guiding them through challenges, calming every fear.

As I stand by their side, witnessing their love so rare,

I'm filled with gratitude for the love they share.

For in their happiness, I find my own delight,

In the magic of friendship, glowing ever bright.

So here's to my best friend, in love so pure and true,

May your journey together be filled with skies of blue.

I'll be here cheering you on, every step of the way,

Blessed to watch your love story unfold, day by day.

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