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In the depths of darkness, a soul once scarred,
Silenced by fear, in shadows charred.
But in the quiet strength that lies within,
A survivor emerges, ready to begin.

Through the echoes of trauma, a spirit fights,
Breaking free from the darkest nights.
Shattered pieces slowly mend,
As healing whispers around each bend.

Silent screams find a voice so brave,
Speaking truth, no longer a slave.
Courage blooms in the face of pain,
A survivor's journey, not in vain.

In the echoes of the past, a light shines bright,
A beacon of hope in the darkest night.
Rising from ashes, reclaiming power,
A survivor's spirit, a resilient flower.

No longer defined by the scars they bear,
But by the strength that's always there.
In the journey to heal, in the face of the storm,
A survivor stands tall, their spirit reborn.

Through the trials faced, through the battles won,
A survivor's story has only just begun.
In the tapestry of resilience and grace,
They find their voice, in a newfound space.

So stand tall, survivor, in your truth and might,
You are a beacon, a warrior of light.
In the face of adversity, you continue to soar,
A testament to the strength at your core.

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