Rewriting the story!

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Hi guys! So I just wanted to first start by saying thank you to all the fans of my story! Thank you guys for giving it over 100k views! I still can not believe that it has reached that point! 

I started writing this in high school (21 now), and I just am very unsatisfied with how it is going right now, I have had major writer's block for this story for a few years now, and I have decided I can do better! I have decided to rewrite it, and I have uploaded it on AO3. 

I have the first chapter written and posted if any of you want to give it a read, it is still under the same title, and my account name is Adds_031. 

Please feel free to read it again, I will try my best to be consistent with the posts (not guaranteed but I will try my best! Adhd brain doesn't like me being productive at times...) 

I'm excited to see what you guys think of this new version! 

Also. please if you are 13 or younger, I would advise you not to read it, the new version I am writing will be explicit. 

Thank you guys again for the support over the last few years! 

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