Chapter 17: Decisions

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"Class dismissed," Umbridge's sweetly disguising voice chimed out, while dismissing the Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff 7th years for lunch. Fred unusually left the classroom alone. Only his thoughts accompanying him. He walked out of the classroom and walked mindlessly to the Great Hall, his footsteps having no joy like they usually did. He was too trapped in his thoughts to realize anything. "Whoa, watch where you're going there Freddie" George yelled at his twin and grabbing onto his arm, before yanking him towards himself before Fred head butted a wall and knocked himself out. Fred stumbled a bit after George let his arm go. "You okay? You look... out of it." Lee said, looking at his boyfriends twin with concern. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just..." Fred trailed off. "Guess I'm just lost in my head." Fred slowly said, his mind still anything but focused. George immediately knew something was wrong but he didn't want to push Fred. He knew that if he needed to talk he would come to him. "I think I just need to eat and try and relax." Fred sighed as the trio walked to the great hall.

The Gryffindor's made it to the Great Hall, but before they went in George and Lee looked at each other, and smirk growing on Georges face. Lee saw it and gave him a look smacking his arm. George made sure Fred had his back to him before he winked at Lee and wiggled his eyebrows at him, making Lee's face burn crimson as he glared at him. Fred turned around and saw the way George and Lee were looking at each other. I knew it he thought noticing Lee's crimson cheeks. All his assumptions of his brother being with Lee came to a close when he saw how they looked at each other, they had the same look in their eyes as him and Hermione did. (It also helped that George was lousy at keeping things from him.) But he played along acting like he knew nothing. "Why are you looking at each other like that?" Fred asked trying to sound suspicious. "And Jordan, what's wrong with you face?" Fred asked as Lee's face went darker. "No reason" George coolly answered, and Fred had to hold back a laugh. Merlin George Fred thought holding back the temptation to shake his head at them. He was such a lousy liar. "Okay..." Fred said stretching the word out, and turning to go into the great hall. He looked over his shoulder and saw that his brother and his boyfriend weren't following him in.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked. "No, we're gonna go to the library and get some studying done for a bit. We'll catch up." George said, smiling as he turned around and walked towards the "library" with Lee following him like a lost puppy. Going the wrong way Fred thought going into the great hall.  He started walking to Gryffindor, but as soon as he saw Hermione his stomach dropped. All his worry and anxiety about meeting her parents came sinking in.

He slowly walked up to the table, and took his seat next to his pregnant girlfriend. Hermione smiled at him excitedly. "Hi Fred! How was class?" She asked watching her boyfriend sit next to her. "What? Oh," He said, looking at her then down at his hands. "Um, it was good." Hermione gave him a strange look and knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" she asked him. Fred looked at her from the corner of his eyes, then quickly averted his sight, pouring himself a glass of pumpkin juice. "Fred what's wrong?" Hermione asked again concern filling her eyes. Fred just answered with a simple "Nothing" as he drank his pumpkin juice. "Then why can't you look at me?" She asked, her voice breaking. "Hermione I'm fine. Class was just tougher than usual and I'm not feeling the best okay? Leave me alone." He snapped, finally looking at her. He stomach turned the second he saw the look on her face. It was a mixture brewing between shock, sadness and anger all blubbing over in her eyes.

He sighed as he looked down pinching the bridge of his nose. He felt like a huge bloody prick. He looked up again and met her eyes, only to feel more like an arse when he saw her chocolate eyes were welled with tears. "Hermione. I'm sor-" He began, reaching to touch her face and wipe the tears away. Hermione just pushed his hand away with a sharp "Don't" before she grabbed her bag and left the great hall. "Hermione!" He called, but didn't get up from his seat. He sighed again and dropped his head on the table feeling like rubbish.

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