Chapter 7: The Hogwarts Express

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Three weeks later

Hermione was sitting in the compartment with Fred and George. George was still showing off the black eye that Harry had given him a few weeks prior, it was slowly fading away, but still a bit visible. The two of them were talking about how excited they were to start pranking all the 1st and 2nd years, and coming with ideas for new inventions. Hermione wasn't listening or paying attention to their conversation, because she was to busy thinking about the growing problem she had in her stomach. "Love? Is everything alright?" Fred asked Hermione as snapped out of her daze and looked up at him. "Yes I'm fine, why do you ask?" Noticing the look from George who knew what was bothering her.

"Because you haven't said anything, or scolded us in the past ten minutes," George said, with Fred adding, "And your caressing your stomach likes somethings wrong." Hermione looked down and saw she had both her hands rested on her growing baby bump, and quickly removed them before Fred became suspicious.

It's been over a few weeks since she found out, and she still hasn't told Fred about the baby, or anyone for that matter, Harry and George were still the only ones who knew. She just hopped to merlin Harry didn't tell Ron even though he promised he wouldn't. She's no idiot, it's obvious, and she can tell Ron has feelings for her. "I'm fine boys, really I just hope your being careful about your inventions because otherwise you could get suspended or worse expelled." She said and they both laughed. "Only Hermione Granger would think being expelled is the end of the world." George laughed. "Hey that's my girlfriend you're talking about Gred," Fred said as he protectively wrapped his arm around Hermione. "Don't worry Forge, I know. I know," he sighed.

As they neared the castle Hermione was starting to feel even more ill. Hermione leaned herself into Fred, and next thing she found herself sitting on his lap with her head nuzzled in his neck dozing off to sleep. "Is she asleep?" George asks his twin who has Hermione sitting on him. "Yeah, she is. I just wish she would tell me what's wrong," he said looking at Hermione who was peacefully sleeping. "What do you mean?" George asked, scared he was becoming suspicious. "I can tell she's hiding something from me, I know there's something wrong, I just wish she would tell me what. We've been together almost three, no four months,"  Fred said as he caressed Hermione's hair. George sighed. "She'll tell you when she's ready don't worry," George reassured.

Hogwarts could be seen in the distance from their compartment of the train, and Hermione still wasn't awake. It was worrying Fred. "Wake up Mia," Fred said gently, as he lightly shook her. She had her head laying on his lap, with her feet propped up on the seat. "Wake up baby," Fred tried again, this gently running his fingers through her hair.  She didn't even stir yet along move.

"Why isn't she waking up?" George asked watching Hermione. "I'm not sure," Fred said packing a bit as he pressed his hand to her forehead. "She's burning up." He winced. Was she getting sick? "We should take her to Madam Pomfrey" George said still looking at the sickly pale girl. "What about the sorting ceremony?" Fred asked, not taking his eyes off Hermione. "I think your sick girlfriend is more important then the sorting." Fred pursed his lips at he stared longer at Hermione who was laying across his lap in her unconscious state. "Yeah,"

The train pulled up to a stop at the station. Fred gently picked Hermione up and carried her in a bridal style out of the compartment. They were greeted by many of their fellow students staring at Hermione in Fred's arms. "She's not dead." George told everyone, but not reassuring them. "Who's not dead?" The twins heard someone ask. They turned around and saw Harry and Ron. They both had looks of shock when they saw Fred carrying an unconscious Hermione. "What happened to her?" Harry asked. "She's unconscious. Don't worry she didn't get a head injury or anything she just passed out, we don't why." Fred said. I"t's probably from her fever." Fred said as both Harry and George thought or maybe her pregnancy

"She still has a fever?" Ron asked, and the twins nodded. "She should have gotten over it by now." Fred told the duo looking at Hermione with a worried expression.

The twins took Hermione trough Hogwarts, and to Madame Pomfrey. When they arrived to the infirmary Madame Pomfrey had her back turned to them. "Madame Pomfrey!" Fred called out in urgency. Madame Pomfrey shrieked when she heard his voice, and jumped in fright. She turned around the face the two you pranksters with a hand on her heaving chest. "Mr. Weasley, you gave me quite a fright." She said trying to calm her racing heart. "Why are you two here instead of at the sorting?" She asked not seeing Hermione in Freds arms. "It's Hermione," George said motioning to the unconscious girl in his twins arms. "Oh Merlin!" The witch cried when she saw Fred holding Hermione's unconscious body. Quickly kicking into Healer mode, she ordered them to put her in one of the cots. "Put her here, quickly now," she ushered the twins. Fred gingerly put Hermione into one of the beds, and once she was set in the bed, Madame Pomfrey shoved him out of the way and started working.

Ten minutes had passed since the twins brought Hermione to the infirmary. George was tired of stadning so he sat down in one of the seats next to the bed, and Fred was pacing back and forth. "That pacing is going to do nothing but make you dizzy Freddie," George said to his twin. "Sorry Georgie. It's just—" He stopped pacing and looked at his twin, then to Hermione, and sighed. "I love her, and it's killing me to see her like this." Fred said as he watched Madame Pomfrey tend to Hermione. "She's going to be fine Fred. Hermione is one strong witch." George reassured his brother and Fred nodded then started to pace again. "Oh dear," Madame Pomfrey said striking terror in Fred. "What?! What is it?!" Fred frantically asked at her side in an instant.

Madame Pomfrey looked at Hermione and pursed her lips. "It;" she started to say. "It looks like;" she tried again, bus wasn't able to form the words. "It looks like what?" Fred asked the healer witch. Madame Pomfrey looked from Hermione, to Fred. George stood from his chair and stood by his brother. "It's looks like Miss Granger. . . " she said still not forming the right words. "Is, pregnant." She finally said. Fred looked at Hermione, then back to Madame Pomfrey. She was pregnant?!

Word count: 1157

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