Chapter 15: Time to tell

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It's been 3 weeks since school started. Everything was going normal, well as normal as things could go.

Hermione and Ginny were walking together in the corridor on the way to their next classes. Hermione on her way to Ancient Runes and Ginny to potions. "So Hermione. Have you told your parents about the . . . B - A - B - Y?" She asked spelling it out. "Shh!" Hermione hissed looking around to see if any caught onto what she had said. "Do you have to be so loud? I'm trying to be discreet about this, and you yapping about my . . . Problem isn't helping. And no I haven't told them yet. Fred suggested we should tell them after it's born." Ginny pulled a face. "That's a stupid idea. Don't listen to my idiot brother." Ginny said rolling her eyes at her brothers rubbish suggestion. "I suggest you tell them as soon as you can. If I was your parents I would want to know right away." Hermione nodded her head.

She was just scared of how her parents were going to react. She knew that they weren't going to blow up and send her a howler like Mrs Weasley had, but she still couldn't help but be scared of their reaction. "Your right Ginny I'm going to tell them." Hermione said. "Tell who about what?" Fred asked suddenly appearing at their sides with George. "I'll tell you later. I need to talk to Professor McGonagall." Hermione told them and Fred suddenly looked panicked. "What? Why? Is everything ok? Is the b—" He was about to say but Ginny smacked on the head stopping him. "Don't say that word." She demanded. "What word?" George asked. "The B word." Ginny replied. "Oh, you mean baby?" He asked and Ginny smacked him on the head. "Your both idiots." She said before taking a turn and heading to her next class.

Hermione headed to talk to Professor McGonagall. "Professor?" She called. "Hello Mrs Granger, please take a seat." She greeted. Hermione entered the room and took a seat in front of her. "What can I help you with?" She asked smiling at the expecting teen. "So, my parents still don't about the . . ." She trailed off and looked down at her belly and McGonagall nodded and gestured for her to continue, and take a seat. "I was hoping, and it would so appreciated if you could give me and Fred a few days off of school so we could tell my parents?" She asked, after sitting. Without hesitation McGonagall answered yes. "Of course dear." The elder witch said smiling. "Would a week be alright?" Hermione smiled widely and nodded before jumping up from her seat. "Oh thank you professor! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Hermione gushed rushing around the desk and hugging her. McGonagall was surprised by this action, but she soon relished the moment a smile creasing her lips.

"You and Mr. Weasley can leave tomorrow morning." Hermione nodded her head the smile she had on never leaving. "You can pull him out of class if you would like." She suggested. "Thank you again professor." Hermione thanked for what felt like the thousandth time, before rushing out of her office and rushing to tell Fred.

Hermione knew that Fred had Defense against the dark arts right now, so she quickly rushed to his class and opened the door only to receive two different looks. A glare from Umbridge and a confused look from Fred. "Can I speak to Fred?" She asked sweetly. Umbridge glared at her, but sighed and looked at Fred, motioning for him to leave. In a rush, Fred got up from his seat and ran out the door to see Hermione.

Once he  was outside of the classroom, he put his hands on her stomach. "Is everything ok? Is the baby ok? Are you?" He asked his eyes searching hers for an answer.  "I'm fine Fred. And yes, the baby is fine too. I just wanted to tell you something." Hermione said and Fred rested his hands on her hips, and sighed with relief. "Well what did you want to tell me? If it's that I'm bloody good at shagging I know that, this is juts proof of that." He said squeezing her hips, and looking down at her bump.

"Fred!" Hermione gasped smacking him on the chest. He chuckled at her blushing face and kissed her cheek. "What was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked, his eyes searched hers for an answer.

"Well . . ." Hermione trailed off. "I asked McGonagall if we could go to London, and tell my parents." She looked at Fred, and he looked a bit panicked. He thickly swallowed the lump in his throat. "And?" He asked his voice tense.

"She said we could. And, we could stay for the week." Fred laughed nervously, the idea of meeting her parents scared him, especially when he was meeting them under these circumstances. Hermione could sense Fred was nervous. "Fred, are you nervous?" Hermione asked, looking deeply in his eyes, and sensing his feelings as if they were her own. "No, no I'm not." he lied. Hermione gave him a look, but he just avoided it. "Fred." Hermione said. He looked up at her. "Sorry Mione." Fred apologized, shaking his head lightly trying get rid of his daze. Hermione knew something wasn't right. "Fred? Is there something wrong?" Fred shook his head no. "No, I should get back to class." Fred dropped his arms from Hermione's waist and let out a short sigh. "Ok," Hermione said sadly. "I'll talk to you after class," She called too him. "Yeah." He replied walking back into the classroom leaving Hermione alone in the hallway.

I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I have just had the worst writers block! I haven't really found much time for writing I've just been so busy and occupied with school and even more drama! (yay who doesn't love drama) I will try extra hard to update as frequently as I can thank you guys for being so patient instead of spamming my phone with comments about wanting me to update. I am working on the next chapter right now I will try my best to update once more before the end of the month.

Word count: 1052

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