Chapter 4: Desperate to forget

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Two weeks later

"Fred," Hermione whined as Fred lifted her in the air. "What?" He asked an innocent tone in his voice. "Put me down!" She demanded but couldn't help the giggle that slipped past her lips. "Hmm, how about . . .no." He said putting her legs around his waist and stepping out of the bathtub. "Fred Weasley! Put me down this instant!" She laughed smacking his shoulder. Fred looked at her with mock hurt. "Ow. That hurt Granger." Fred whined. Hermione rolled her eyes before she remarked with, "It's gonna hurt a lot more if you don't put me down." Fred rolled his eyes at her before he pulled the towel off the hook and threw it over her head, and placing her on her own two feet.

A few minutes later Fred had his hands placed on Hermione's hips as he her pushed against the bathroom counter, kissing her neck. "Fred," Hermione whined laughing. "What Granger?" Fred whispered in her ear moving up her neck and biting her ear lobe, making goosebumps explode on her skin. "S—stop, ev—veryone will be wai—ting for us" she stuttered as she felt his hands slip up the towel and squeeze her wet thighs. She moaned and soon found herself on the counter with the towel she had just put on, pooled on the floor around Fred's feet.

Fred kissed her neck, and slowly moved down to her collarbone and shoulder. He then unexpectedly bit down where her shoulder met her neck. Hermione yelped from surprise. Fred slowly pulled away from her and leaned his forehead on hers. "Are you ok?" He asked hint of guilt in his voice. "Y—yeah. I was just. . . caught off guard." She replied catching her breath. "I love you." Fred said wrapping his arms around her petite waist and pulling her closer. "I love you to Fred." She smiled feeling his lips under her jaw.

Hermione yelps with surprise again when she felt Fred squeezing her thigh. She was trying to be quite but it backfired because next thing they both knew there was a knock at the door, followed by Percy's head popping into the bathroom.

The Weasleys and Harry were downstairs waiting for Molly to serve breakfast. Everyone was quite, doing their own thing. Arthur was reading the daily prophet, George was sitting at the table sulking a bit because he didn't have his twin with him to joke around with. Harry was sitting at he table in his own thoughts while Ginny started at him, and Bill and Charlie were drinking their coffee having a small conversation.

Percy walked into the kitchen and stretched his arms before he took a mug and filled it with coffee. "Would you like some cream dear?" Molly asked as she put the bacon in the oven. "I'd like my coffee as dark as my soul." Percy replied, with Bill piping up "He'd like thirty cups of cream then mum." Making Percy scowl at him while the others laughed. Molly continued to whisk and bake, everything for once was silent. Until they heard something come from upstairs...

Molly stopped whisking the eggs when she heard a noise come from the bathroom above them. "What was that?" Harry asked hearing it too. "I think it's Fred he said he's taking a shower." George answered looking up. "Percy be a dear and go check on Fred" Molly said to her third eldest son who looked at her from over his mug. "Why?" He asked and his mother glared at him. "Because I told you too. Now hustle your bum" she said tapping her whisk on the counter. Percy rolled his eyes (when Molly looked away) and trudged up the stairs.

"Hey Fred is everything. .—" He stopped talking, his mouth agape, and eyes wide from the sight in front of him. Hermione shrieked when she heard Percy's voice. "Percy get out!" Fred yelled trying his best to cover Hermione's nude form from the prying eyes of his older brother.

Percy just continued to stare at them not moving. "Get out!" Fred barked at him, quickly picking up the towel that was on the floor and throwing it in his face. He then ran over and shoved him out of the door, before he slammed it in his face. Fred turned to look at Hermione whose face was red from embarrassment. The poor girl was shaking. "Bloody hell 'Mione, I'm so sorry." Fred apologized walking over to her and pulling her small frame into his.

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