Chapter 14: Late night panic

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Hermione has been avoiding Ron like the flu. She hasn't talked to him since the whole "drugging her" thing went down a week days ago. Fred was still beyond pissed with him, and made sure that Hermione was either always with him, or George and Lee. Hermione understood his concerns, but she felt like he was smothering her.

Hermione was laying in bed with Fred. He had his arms protectively around her. He had one had rested on her stomach, and the other sofly gripping her hip. His nose and mouth was buried into her neck, and she could hear his soft snores in her ear.

No matter how much she tried, Hermione couldn't sleep. No matter how long she laid in the dark, or had her eyes closed she just couldn't sleep. Getting frustrated, she slowly and quietly slipped out of Fred's arm. She pulled on her robe and shoes and grabbed her wand before she slipped out of their dorm. Hopefully a walk will help. On the way down the stairs and into their common room, she stopped herself. She purses her lips and pondered a thought before sighing. Maybe bringing the map wouldn't hurt.

After grabbing the map Hermione casted the Lumos spell and left the common room and walked around the castle seeing if she could tire herself a bit. She didn't know how long she was walking for, every once in a while she would yawn but other then that, she wasn't getting tired.

Hermione sighed with defeat, maybe she should go back to her dorm. She turned on her heel and was about to walk back, when the sudden sound of footsteps stopped her. Hermione's breath got caught in her throat. A million thoughts ran through her mind. With shaky hands she slowly lifted the map and looked at who it was.

It wasn't a perfect, but it was someone didn't want to see at the moment.

Fred groaned and rubbed his eyes. He confused when he noticed it was completely dark. He glanced at the muggle thing Hermione called a "clock" and saw it was 3:24AM. He shut his eyes again and rolled over to reach for Hermione, but he didn't feel her. His eyes snapped open and he frantically felt her side of the bed. She wasn't there. He sat up and grabbed his wand muttering the Lumos spell. His wand lit up and he flashed it on her side, only to see it was just as empty as if felt.

Panic soon drizzled into his veins. Quickly, Fred shot out of bed. He put his wand in between his teeth and he threw on a shirt and some slacks, and almost fell over from how fast he was pulling them on. He thundered down the stairs in a state of panic and ran faster then humanly possible to the Gryffindor Dorm. He told the fat lady the password, he spoke it so fast that she barely understood what he said. Once she left him after he explained it was an emergency, he sped up the stairs and burst into George's room. Fred jumped on Georges bed and started shaking George.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He yelled jumping  on George and shaking him like a mad man. George screamed and sat up only to end up headbutting Fred.

"Fred!" George yelled shoving his twin off him and rubbing his head. He looked at the alarm clock him and Lee have and saw it was 3:51AM.

"It's almost four in the bloody morning Fred! Why are you here and why'd you wake me up?!" George yelled looking at Fred like he was about to punch him. George then panicked, was Lee in his bed? Before he could check four other people came to their door. Fred and George both looked at the door and saw it was Harry, Neville, Dean, and Seamus. All of them but Harry looked like they were half asleep. That gave George a second to check. He looked and saw that Lee was on the floor. He must've rolled out of his bed when Fred busted in.

"Is everyone ok?" Harry asked.

"Why did George scream?" Neville asked yawning.

"And why is Fred here?" Dean asked pointing to Fred who was hanging half off George's bed.

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