Chapter 2: Waking up with you

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Hermione woke up with a smile. She and Fred had just shagged last night, and it was even more brilliant than she ever could've imagined. She glanced over her shoulder to see that Fred was fast asleep and spooning her body against his. She flipped herself over to face him and watched as his chest rose and fell as he slept. She couldn't help but let her fingers run through his fiery red hair, making him smile. "You know," he said not opening his eyes, "I could get used to waking up like this." He opened both of his green eyes which met her brown ones making him smile wider. He then swiftly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her on top of him, so she was straddling him. Fred held her by her hips slowly tracing her hip bone with his thumb as he looked up at her and took in all her beauty.

"How can someone be so beautiful?" He asked her, which made a blush creep up on her cheeks. She quickly looked down and hid her face in her hands with embarrassment. Fred sat up taking her hands away so he could see her gorgeous face. "Why are you hiding your face, Mia?" She looked up at him and quirked an eyebrow. "Mia?" She asked and he shrugged. "Beautiful nickname for a beautiful girl." She let a small smile grace her lips as she looked deep into his eyes asking "You really think I'm beautiful?" Fred lightly squeezed her hips when he answered. "Of course you are, inside and out." His response made her blush even more and bury her head into his bare chest. "Stop it." She whined into him making him smirk.

"Stop what?" He teased loving how flustered she was becoming. "Stop saying I'm beautiful because I'm not." Fred was shocked. "Are you kidding?!" He asked the brunette pushing her head off of his chest so he could see her face. "You're the most beautiful witch I've ever met. Your perfect Hermione Jean Granger." He started not wanting her to think low of herself. "Oh yeah? What's so perfect about me?" He pulled her closer to him and started to kiss down her neck as he answered. "Let's see," he said planting wet kisses along her throat and working his way down to her collarbone and shoulder. "That bushy nest of yours you call hair," She was about to get mad at him when he suddenly bit down on her shoulder making her whimper and moan. "The beautiful brown pools that you call eyes," he worked back up her neck and whispered in her ear, "your sexy body" which made her shiver with arousal, as his hot breath blew in and over her ear.

"Wh-what else?" She stammered leaning her head back to give him better access to her throat. "How smart you are," he found her sweet spot and bit down which made her let out a loud moan again. "Your sassy attitude." Loving how responsive she was, he started sucking and licking that certain spot creating a love bite. He pulled away and looked at his "masterpiece" before giving her a cocky lopsided grin. "Fred! Why did you do that?!" She yelled putting her hand on her neck where the newly formed mark was. "So I could mark you as mine." He boasted. "How am I supposed to cover that up?" She asked the ginger that was cockily smirking. "Now why in Merlin's beard would you want to cover it up?" He asked her offended. "So Harry and Ron don't see-" Fred cut her off by kissing her shoulder and making more love marks.

After he made four more marks he kissed each one and looked up at her, to see she was glaring at him. "What?" He innocently asked her with a smirk. She just shook her head at him allowing a smile to creep up on her lips, as he continued to work her neck, and breathe in her intoxicating scent. Fred couldn't help but think this was all a dream. He loves Hermione and often had dreams similar to this. As she reached around his neck and pulled his body closer, he knew this was no dream. She threads her fingers through his hair burning flame-coloured hair and sighed with each kiss he planted on her throat. "Hermione?" He whispered, pulling away to look at her. "Yes?" She asked tilting her head as she looked him in her hypnotizing eyes. He leaned forward to catch his breath as he pressed his forehead to hers. "I love you. I love you so much." He confessed. "I love you too Fred." She said back, which made the redheaded prankster smile wider. "Do you mean it?" He asked looking into her eyes. "Of course, I love you, Fred Weasley." She said placing a tender kiss on his lips. "I love you to Hermione Granger, and future Mrs. Weasley." He joked earning a laugh from her. "Who says I'm gonna be future Mrs. Weasley?" "I did, your boyfriend." "I guess that makes me your girlfriend then." She teased. "I guess it does." He said kissing her plump lips.

Down in the kitchen of the burrow, all of the Weasleys were waiting on Fred and Hermione before they started their breakfast. "Where are they?! I'm hungry." Ron complained like a toddler. "Oh shut it ya bloody git, everyone knows you're hungry," George said to his little brother who for once shut his mouth. "It's not like Hermione to be late like this," Harry said cleaning his glasses before he put them back on. "Right you are mate, and it's not like Fred to be away from me for this long." "George, go and get those two." "Mum, why do I have to do it?" George complained. "Because I said so now run along." She ushered her son.

Angelina quickly followed George out of the kitchen and up the stairs of the Burrow. "I bet you 10 Galleons that Fred and Hermione are in bed together either shagging or snogging." She said as they made their way over to his and Fred's room. "I bet 20." He bet back. "Deal." They then shook on it.

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Word count: 1060

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