Chapter 10: A howling letter

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Hermione woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up. Ginny was rooming with her this year, so when she heard her throwing up. "You ok 'Mione?" Ginny asked rubbing the young expecting mother on the back and holding her hair. "I'm fine." Hermione said after flushing the toilet. "We should head down to breakfast." Ginny said as she helped Hermione up feet and down to the great hall.

The two Gryffindors girls walked into the great hall and Fred immediately spotted them and waved them over. Hermione took her seat next to Fred and he immediately put his hand on her stomach. "How are my two most favourite people?" Hermione giggled and replied "we're fine Fred." As she lent into his touch. "By the way 'Mione congrats on the baby," Dean said taking a bite out of his toast. "How did you know?" Hermione asked looking at him confused. "Ron told us," he said pointing at Ron. "Ron, I was supposed to tell everybody" Hermione said looking at Ron. "Wait, who's us?" Ginny asked Dean. "Me, Neville and Seamus." He said. "So how's the pregnancy?" Seamus asked. "It's good I have terrible morning sickness though." She said. 

"I can't believe you two are having a baby!" Ginny squealed. "I can't believe it either." Fred said to Ginny as he looked at Hermione with loving eyes. "How far along are you?" Neville asked the young pregnant girl. "Almost three months. I'm due sometime in March." She replied.

Everyone was asking Hermione questions about her pregnancy, when a loud squawk was made. "What the bloody hell was that?" Ginny asked watching as an owl flew into the Great Hall. Ron looked where Ginny was looking and sighed. "It's Pig." Ron sighed. "Why is Pigwidgeon here?" Hermione asked as she watched the owl fly to their table. "What did you do?" Ginny asked turning to Ron. "Nothing!" Ron cried, not remembering if he did do something or not. "Did you steal mum and dads car again?" She accused her brother. "No!" He shouted remembering his howler and how traumatizing it was. Pigwidgeon swooped down and dropped something in front of Fred before flying off. Fred looked down at what the owl brought him and his face paled. "Oh bloody hell." Fred said. "What is it Freddie?" George asked his pale twin, while looking at the letter and recognizing what it was. "It's a Howler." Fred told them, grimacing as he said it.

As soon as Fred said it was a Holwer, Ron burst into laughter. "Looks like I'm not the only screw up in this family! That's pay back for laughing at me when I go mine!" He yelled as he continued to laugh his arse off. "Who's it from?" Harry asked. "It's from mum," Fred told him still staring at the Howler. "Well? Aren't you going to open it?" Hermione asked him wanting to know what the Howler was about. "No" Fred replied with a hint of fear in his voice still having his eyes glued on the Howler.

"Fred you have to open it," Ginny encouraged. "I don't have to do anything," Fred told her finally taking his eyes off the Howler. "You should open it." George said, with everyone agreeing. "If you want to open it so bad, then you do it!" Fred said shoving the letter into his twins chest. "She's mad at you, not me" George said. "We're twins. If she's mad at one of us then she's mad a both of us." Fred said over Ron's laughter.

Everyone was badgering Fred to open the Howler, until Fred finally broke and yelled "Fine! I'll open it!" In frustration. He tore the wax seal off the Howler, and his name was screamed across the Great Hall followed by a wave of silence. "Fredrick Gideon Weasley!!!" It screamed and Fred quickly snapped if closed. George turned to his brother and clasped his hand on his shoulder. "She middle named you, she's bloody pissed off. Nice knowing you Fred."

Fred grimaced as all eyes were on him. He slowly took the letter and ripped it open, mentally preparing himself for the biggest lecture of his life. The Howler then turned into a face and glared at Fred. "How could you! How could you do that to poor Hermione!" It screamed in Molly Weasley's voice making Fred have a terror stricken face. He could only imagine what it would be like when he goes at Christmas. "I thought I raised you better! I am so disappointed in you, and your decisions! If I hear, or find out, that you abandoned poor Hermione after what you did to her! I will personally disown you! You need to think of the consequences Fred! I never been so disappointed in you!" The Howler then gave Fred one last hard glare before it tore it self up. Everyone looked at Fred and saw he was still staring at where the Howler once was. His face was even paler then before and fear was in his blue eyes. "Man, mum can scary." George said looking at his almost petrified brother. "I have never been so scared in my life." Fred replied. "Well you obviously haven't faced what I have," Harry said trying to lighten the mood. "Oh shut it Harry! Not all of us have faced 'You know who' before." Fred snapped. Harry just put his hands up defense.

"How'd she even find out?" Harry asked staring at the shred of he Howler on the table. Ron had finally calmed down from his laughter fit. "I — I told her." Ron said a little laugh escaping his mouth as he readjusted himself on his seat. Everyone started at him. "What?" Ron asked slightly squirming in his seat from all the hard glares they were giving him. "You what?!" Fred yelled standing up and glaring at his brother. "Why did you tell her! This is Hermione and I's news to share not yours!"  Ron stood up from his seat and glared at his older brother. "Well what do you expect! I love her and you two are together!" Ron then glared at him before taking  some food and saying "I'm outta here!" And leaving the great hall. 

Two updates in one day! Hope you enjoyed the update I was laughing really hard when I wrote it!
Word count: 1065

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