Chapter 12: Amortentia in pumpkin juice

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This chapter is dedicated to its_homie_sexual their the person who suggested this idea to me! I hope you like it!

Hermione yawned and tried to stretch her arms, but saw that something was laying on top of them. She looked over and saw Fred. She smiled to herself, not thinking of a better way to wake up in the morning. Fred was softly snoring, everytime he exhaled his hair blew up in the air. She managed to free her arm without waking him, and as soon as she was about to crawl out of bed, she felt someone grab her waist, and squealed. "Where do you think your going?" Fred asked her as he plopped her down on his lap so she was straddling him. "I was going to the bathroom." She said. "Well your not anymore." He said sitting up so that their faces were barley an inch apart. "I thought you were sleeping." She whispered, pressing her forehead against his. "I was, but the loss of your warmth woke me up."

Fred slipped one of his hands up her shirt while the other ran up and down her thigh. "I love you." He whispered before connecting their lips. Hermione kissed him back but she broke the kiss and made a face. "What?" Fred asked and she laughed. "Morning breath." She giggled and he rolled his eyes. He then flipped them over so he now was on top. The quick motion must have triggered Hermione's morning sickness because next thing she knew she was in the bathroom throwing up with Fred holding her hair and rubbing her back.

After a few minutes Hermione had finished. She stood up on shaky legs and pulled out her toothbrush. Fred went to kiss her but she moved her head. "Fred I just threw up, I don't think you want to kiss me." Fred leaned in quickly and pecked her on the lips. "Did it anyways!" He yelled rushing out of the bathroom.

Ginny watched her brother intently. He's been acting weird ever since they left the common room. He kept bouncing his leg up and down, and almost every thirty seconds he'd look up at the door and then sigh with relief. "Ok what's wrong with you?" Ginny asked Ron who looked at her with alarm. "What?" He asked his voice high pitched. "You've been jittery ever since we left the common room and you keep glancing at the door like your expecting something to burst through it any second, what's wrong?" Ron looked away from her and suddenly found the table very interesting. He brought his hands up and clasped them both together as he set them in front of him as he kept studying the table. Suddenly the great hall doors opened and Ron's head snapped up.

He looked at the door his eyes glued on the three people who had just entered. He quickly averted his eyes and sucked in a breath thinking this is it He slipped his hand into his pocket and slowly rubbed his thumb over the potion bottle he had in there. Dean looked over and had noticed this. He soon found himself watching every one of Ron's movements. Dean watched Ron took a glass and filled it with pumpkin juice. As Ron did that Hermione and the twins joined them at the table. Hermione took a seat beside Ginny, which was across from Ron then Fred sat next to her while George sat next to Lee.

Dean quickly averted his eyes when Ron looked and made sure no one was watching. After Ron continued Dean quickly looked back at Ron and noticed him pulling out a small bottle that had pink liquid in it. He watched Ron pop the cork of the bottle, and once the cork came off, the smell of smoke engulfed his senses. He slightly blushed to himself and he immediately knew what it was. Amortentia. He continued to watch Ron pour the Amortentia into the glass of pumpkin, before he quickly shoved the cork back onto the bottle and then shoved it back his pocket. And he picked the glass up and swirled it around to stir it.

Dean's eyes widened with horror as he saw Ron gets Hermione's attention. Was he really about to drug her?! "Hey Mione, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I got you some pumpkin juice." He smiled as he handed the dopey drink to Hermione. "Oh thank you Ron!" Hermione happily gushed not knowing her drink has just been drugged. Deans eyes followed the cup as he saw Hermione take it from Ron, and slowly bring it to her lips. Dean started to panic as he watched Hermione. "Don't drink that!!" He suddenly yelled and acting on impulse he quickly rose from his chair and smacked the drink out of Hermione's hand.

The cup flew out of Hermione's hand and spilt all over Ginny who shirked. "Dean!!" She squealed wiping the juice off her robes. "I just got my robes cleaned you idiot!! What the bloody hell is wrong—" she cut herself off when the sent of sweat and wood filled the air. "What's that smell?" Ginny asked, her voice low. "Gin? Why do you smell like gun powder?" Hermione asked. Dean looked at Ron who's face was pale, Ron looked away and stared at his feet and he tugged at his collar. "Because, it's Amortentia. Ron drugged your drink." He said as he glared at Ron.

Ron's gaze snapped up to Dean as he tried to deny it. "No I didn't!" Ron shouted his words jammed together. "I saw you!" Dean shouted back as Ron gave him a look and whispered "Shut up." to Dean. "No! No I won't shut up!" He shouted. "Dean what did you see?" Harry asked not sure who should believe. Dean looked away from Ron and at Harry. "I saw this bloody bastard putting Amortenia in a glass of pumpkin juice before he gave it to Hermione." Ron stood up and tried denying it again. "I didn't!" Ron yelled. "Yeah then what's this?" Ron jumped when Dean reached into Ron's pocket. Ron tried to shoves Dean away from his but pulled out the bottle before Ro could stop him. Dean threw it on the table with a clang. Everyone looked at Ron who's cheeks were red. A few gasped not believing what they were seeing. What have I done Ron through as he looked down not being able to meet their gazes.

"Ron," Hermione whispered looking from the bottle to her best friend. She looked at him, and she didn't want to believe it. Did he really try to drug her? The evidence was right in front of her. "You son of a bitch!" Fred yelled darting up from his chair as he attempted to lunge across the table at Ron, but George and Lee quickly grabbed and pulled him back into his seat before he could. Hermione stood up and looked at Ron, tears welling in her eyes. She sniffled a cry before darting out of the great hall and out of sight. "Hermione!" Both Fred and Ron yelled. George and Lee released Fred so he could run after her. Harry and Ginny got up from their seats and followed behind Fred. Ron was about to follow them, he wanted to at least try and explain himself, but Ginny stopped him and shoved him back into his seat. "What the hell do you think your doing" Ginny hissed. "Following Hermione!" He yelled. "Don't you dare! This is your fault! You're the reason she ran off. You'll just make it worse." Ginny growled. She couldn't believe she was related to such a bloody arse. "You better hope to merlin that I don't tell mum." She said before turning around and leaving the great hall.

Hey!!! Sorry again for not updating in a while!! I've just been trying to get through finals, and finish off my first year of high school strong. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote, comment, and share my story! I love hearing your guys' feedback!

Word count: 1362

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