Chapter 8: She's what?!

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George looked at his twin waiting for his reaction as Fred stared at Madame Pomfrey. "W—wh—wha—" Fred wasn't able to form words. "She's pregnant Mr Weasley. I took a blood sample to see if her symptoms were from anything internal, and it turns out she is pregnant. Do you have an idea who the father is?" She asks. "I think I might." George said looking at his brother who was now staring at Hermione. "Do you have an idea if she knows?" She asked them. Fred slowly coming out of shock, shook his head no and whispered, his words barely audible. "She would've told me already if she knew. Mum's gonna kill me,"

Fred stared at Hermione and tired to process the thought of her being pregnant. There was no doubt in him that he wanted to have children with her one day, but he didn't think it would be this soon. He soon started to feel faint and dizzy. George saw him start sway, and put his hand on his shoulder to support him. "You alright there Freddie?" George asked. "I'm—fine" Fred said pausing between his words. "Well you don't look fine." Fred shook his head and tried to say he was fine again, but didn't get the chance, because he passed out and fell backwards right into Georges arms.

Madame Pomfrey then looked over and saw that Fred was now unconscious. "Oh dear," she muttered. "Mr. Weasley, could you put Fred in the bed next to Ms Granger's please," she said pointing to the bed beside Hermione's. George nodded as he struggled to lift his twin. "Merlin! What happened!?" A voice that sounded like Ginny cried. George looked over to the door of the infirmary and saw Ron, Harry and Ginny. "Hey, why aren't you three at the sorting?" George asked still struggling to hold up Fred. "We skipped it so we could check up on Hermione." Ron answered looking between Hermione and Fred.

"What happened to Fred?" Ginny asked looking at her brother holding his unconscious twin. "Oh, he fainted." George answered simply. "Obviously he bloody fainted. But why?" Ginny pushed. George ignored her question. "Harry, mind helping me move him into the bed over there?" George asked nudging his head over to thee bed beside Hermione's. Harry agreed and picked up Fred's feet as the two of them put him in the bed.

"George!" Ginny shouted at her brother. "Why are you ignoring my question?" Ginny gave her older brother a glare. "I'm not ignoring it. . . I'm just avoiding, answering it." He replied uneasily. He didn't want her to know Fred fainted because Hermione was bloody pregnant. He didn't want to be the one to tell them. Fred and Hermione should be the ones to tell them. It is their news to share after all, and she made both him and Harry promise they wouldn't tell. "That's the same damn bloody thing George! Why did Fred faint!?" Ginny yelled. She tapped her foot on the stone ground and she awaited her answer. "Because. . . um. . ." George scratched his head as he racked his brain for any excuse. It took him a minute but one finally came to mind.

"He fainted because Mcgonagall banned pranking." He said with a shrug. "So Fred fainted because Mcgonagall banned pranking?" Ginny asked not sure if she should believe him or not. "Pretty much," George said bouncing from foot to foot and pursing his lips trying to keep his poker face on. He didn't like lying to Ginny, because he knew that when or if she found out the truth, she would use her favourite hex on him.

Ginny's glare hardened on him, before she sighed a sigh that basically said "ok I believe you." But then Ron had to look at George confused and ask "Wait a minute if Mcgonagall banned pranking. . . shouldn't you have fainted too?" Ginny turned and looked at George raising an eyebrow and gave him a skeptical look. "Oh, well it's because . . . You see. . ." George scratched his head as thought of what to say. "Freddie's my twin. . . and he does . . . my fainting for me?" He practically asked.

Ginny looked at him like he was stupid. "Ms Granger is waking up," Madame Pomfrey said to the group. "If you would like I could leave to give you some privacy?" She asked, and George nodded. "That would be great thank you," George said and she nodded leaving the infirmary. They all looked at the bed when they heard Hermione groan. She opened her eyes and the beautiful face of her boyfriend Fred, looking down at her. "Fred?" She groggily asked reaching up to cup his cheek. "Eh, no. George." He said removing her hand from his cheek. "Oh, well where is Fred?" Hermione asked as her vision became clear. She sat up, and soon felt sick, like she was going to be sick. "I think I'm going to be sick," she said. "Here," Harry said quickly conjuring a bucket and handing it to her. "Thank you," she said barely even getting the words out before throwing up her breakfast. "Oh Hermione," Ginny said sympathetically as she rubbed her back.

Hermione finished throwing up, and handed the bucket back to Ron. He looked into the bucket and immediately looked as if he was going to be sick himself. "Here." Ron then handed the bucket to George, who rolled his eyes and disposed of the puke. "Where's Fred?" Hermione asked, looking at everyone. Harry pointed to the bed next to her, and Hermione gasped. "Why is unconscious?" Ginny crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Fred saying "Apparently Mcgonagall banned pranking," Ginny told her. "Aww poor Fred," Hermione cooed turning to look at Fred. "Yeah, poor Fred." Ginny said, the sarcasm in her tone dripping like venom.

"George can you wake up Fred?" Hermione asked her boyfriends twin. "Uh, yeah." George walked over to his bed and waved his wand saying "Sancatorus!" Suddenly water fell from the roof and splashed all over Fred waking him up on the dot. "What the bloody hell was that?!" Fred shouted jolting up in the now wet bed. "You fainted." George said with a smirk, putting his wand back in his pocket. "I thought we both agreed not to use the Sancatorus spell on each other?" George shrugged. "It was the only way I could think of to wake you up." Fred rolled his eyes and wiped off his wet face, as best he could. "You know, I had the weirdest dream, It was where Hermione was preg—" Fred started to say but George quickly leaped on him and covered his mouth, preventing him from saying anything more. "What was he about to say?" Ginny almost whispered. "Nothing!" George shouted lying on top of Fred. "Hermione. . ."  Ginny asked the young girl who was looking at the twins. "How did you find out?" She asked; her voice cracking. "Madame Pomfrey told him." George said still lying on his brother. "Told you what?" Ron asked highly confused. "Hermione, are you really. . ." Ginny asked ignoring Ron. "Yeah Ginny. I am." Ginny gasped and out her hands over her mouth. "Who's the father?" She asked tears escaping her cheeks. "That would be me." Fred said after he shoved George off of him.

"Father of what! Will somebody please explain to me what's going on?!" Ron shouted and being fed up with nobody answering his questions. "Ron. Are you really that dense?" Ginny asked her brother. "Hermione's pregnant." Ginny explained.

Word count: 1264
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