Chapter 11: Professor

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After Ron had left, the new DADA teacher had walked over to them. "Well hello." She said in her sickly syrupy sweet voice. "Hello professor." Hermione said. She smiled a sickly sweet smile at them as she folded her hands in front of her pink skirt. "I couldn't help but overhear the Howler you had revived Mr. . ." She said trailing off. "Weasley. Fred Weasley." Fred answered. "Well Mr. Weasley," She had said taking a pause on his name before she continued. "I couldn't help but over hear the Howler you had received, and I was wondering what that mistake was."

Fred looked at her and down a Hermione. "I'm sorry professor, but I would like to keep it to myself." Fred answered. Professor Umbridge wrinkled her nose as if a foul smell entered her nostrils. "Mr. Weasley. I have asked you a question, and when a professor asks a question you are to answer them, not deny them a interpretation. Now I'm going ask once more. What was that mistake?" She asked looking down at Fred, seeing if he'll crack. "Professor Umbridge. Fred doesn't have to—" Harry said but she cut him off. "Mr. Potter" Umbridge scolded glaring at Harry, an irritated look upon her toad face.  "Are you not to speak, unless you are spoken to. Now" — she turned her attention back to Fred— "What was that mistake? This is the last time I will ask." Fred sighed and give in. But before he could answer Hermione cut him. "Professor he—" Umbridge glared at her. "One more peep out of any of you and it's detention." Hermione shut her mouth. "Now. What. Was. That. Mistake?" She said an irritated look but a sickly sweet smile was entrenched on her face. 

"Hermione and I are expecting." Fred had admitted for the first time. Professor Umbridge looked at them both. Her eyes wide, and mouth a gape from shock. "Well." She said gaining herself quickly. "Isn't there a way you can. . . solve this problem?" She asked looking at Hermione. "What do the muggles call it again?" She asked tapping her chin to think. Harry and Hermione looked at each other knowing what it was. "There is no way I am having an abortion!" Hermione shouted raising her voice. "Mrs Granger! You are not to raise your voice at a Professor. Apologize." She demanded, but Professor McGonagall came up to them.

"Dolores. I don't take lightly to you interrogating my students." She said. "I was only suggestion to Mrs Granger that she should have an abortion and get rid of her. . problem." She said,looking at Hermione who was glaring at her, and placing her hands on her growing bump protectively. "Well this is Hogwarts. Not the Ministry of Magic. I will take it from here." Professor McGonagall stated. "But Minevera—" McGonagall put up a hand and stopped her from speaking. "You are dismissed. I will talk to them Dolores." She said. "It's something to think about." Umbridge said to Hermione as she put on a fake a sappy look, but her nostrils still flared with anger as she stalked away. Professor McGonagall turned to Fred and Hermione, a mixed look of: Anger, disappointment and confliction in her eyes. She sighed deeply looking at the young couple. "You two come with me." She said barley any emotion in her tone. She turned and walked off. Fred and Hermione looked at each other not knowing if this was good or not. "Now!" She yelled and the two quickly shot up from their seats and chased after her.

The three of them walked down the corridor in silence. Hermione was practically shaking with anxiety. She's never been in trouble before. . . other then the times with Harry and Ron. McGonagall lead them into her empty classroom, and waved her wand, locking the door, and putting a silencing charm on the room. Fred had been in trouble before, but he has never been this scared before. Professor McGonagall looked at the two trembling teens  with disappointment. "Are you," She finally asked looking Hermione in the eyes before tailing her gaze down to her stomach  before looking her in the eyes once more. Hermione sighed a tear trickling down her cheek. "Yes." She said in a squeaky voice. McGonagall sighed and looked at Fred. "You're the. . .?" Fred nodded pulling Hermione closer to him. She reacted by wrapping her arms around him and crying into her chest.

Professor McGonagall put her head in her hands. She couldn't believe this was  happening. "How far along are dear?" She asked the weeping girl. "I'm not quite sure," She said though her tears, her voice trembled. "I'm guessing three months." She hiccuped as Fred wiped her tears away, and kissed her head. "This is my fault professor." Fred said. "No!" Hermione cried gripping onto him. "If anything, this is our fault. It takes two people to make a baby Fred." McGonagall nodded her head. "You're absolutely right. I'm not going to punish either of you. I wanted to make sure you were pregnant before I gave you you're own dorm." Fred looked at her with confusion. "We get our own dorm?" He asked and she nodded. "I think that once the baby is born, either one, or both of you will have the rest of the year off. Whatever you decide." They both nodded in understanding . "We will talk more details once it comes closer to the due date. I'll now take you to you're dorm." She then turned around with them following her out of the classroom.

Fred and Hermione followed McGonagall up to the third corridor and down a winding pathway. They stopped in front of a Portrait of a night on a black horse. "Professor" he nodded at McGonagall. "Gryffindor." She spoke. He smiled and opened the portrait door and the three of them entered the room. It looked just like the Gryffindor dorms. "I'll instruct you're friends to bring all of you're belongings. Hermione dear, I think you should talk to Madame Pomfrey and schedule an ultrasound with her." Hermione nodded as she watched her leave. "Professor!" Hermione called, making her turn to her. "Thank you." Hermione said making her smile.

Hermione sat on the couch and Fred sat next to her. "Are you ok?" He asked. She shook her head no and rest her head on his shoulder. "What did Umbridge mean by aboton?" He asked not knowing what it was. "It's abortion Fred. And she wanted me to get rid of the baby, as in. . . kill it." She said tears falling from her eyes. "What?!" Fred yelled shooting up. "I'm going to kill—" Fred said, but Hermione stopped him. "Fred I'm not getting an abortion." She said. "To hell you are!" He yelled. "I will never let you get rid of George jr like that!" He cried tears slipping from his eyes. He could't even comprehend the idea of losing their baby. He hugged her close. "George Jr?" She asked. "George and I made a pact to name our first born boy after each other." She laughed. "I love you." Fred said kissing her neck, and wrapping his arms around her. I love you to Fred." She replied tiling her head back as he started kissing her throat. He then scooped her up and brought her to their new room.

New update! Sorry it took so long! I had horrible writers block but here's the new chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, vote and comment! I love seeing your guys' feedback!
Word count: 1255

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