Chapter 3: Getting caught

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Fred and Hermione where to busy snogging each other to hear the door open, or George's voice fill the room. "Hey Freddie mum wants-" he cut himself short when seeing a naked Hermione sitting on top of his naked brother. "What the bloody hell?!" He yelled out, scaring the young couple. "George!" Hermione gasped, as Fred tried his best to wrap the blanket around her body. "What's going on here?" George asked as Hermione and his twin gave each other uneasy looks. "What are you two doing in bed together? And naked?" He asked probably knowing the answer already. "It's not what it looks like!" A frantic Hermione tried to explain. "Yeah, well it looks like you two just bloody shagged." George said not wanting that image in his mind. "Ok," Fred said taking a pause, "then it is what it looks like." He answered as Hermione glared at him. "Fred!" Hermione said hitting his chest. Suddenly something dawned over George, "oh come on. Are you serious? On my bed?!" Fred looked down at the bed, before gave his twin a sheepish look, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oops?" He asked. George rolled his eyes before saying "just get dressed" and leaving. When the door closed Hermione's face already red face went even redder, as she stuffed it into Fred's chest. "Did that really just happen?" She mumbled into his chest. "Yup." Was all he replied with. 

George left his room and shuddered "well that's an image that's not permanently burned into my bloody brain" he said to himself closing the door. He opened his  to see a smirking Angela leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. "So? Was I right, or was I right?" She asked the smirk never leaving her lips. "Yeah yeah shut up." He rolled his eyes and walked down to the kitchen.

After a few more minutes; Hermione finally came down the stairs wearing one of Fred's shirts, showing all the of the visible love bites scattered across neck and throat. "There you are dear," Molly said pulling her into a hug. When pulling away she saw all the marks dispersed across her neck. "Hermione? What's that on your neck?" The words left her mouth and immediately the rest of the Weasley's and Harry crowded around to see her neck.

"Are those, hickeys?" Harry asked looking up at Hermione with a shocked expression. Hermione who was now beet red, tried to think of anything to say, but she couldn't think of anything. "No! It's, umm, a-a m-mosquito bite!" She said laughing nervously holding her hand up to cover her neck from their burning gazes. "I got bit by a mosquito." The Weasley's gave her a "I don't believe you look" but soon enough they all backed away giving her space.

Not long after, Fred trotted down the stairs with a big grin that was hard to miss. "Morning everyone." He said standing next to a red Hermione and stretching his arms. "Morning mosquito." George replied, which earned him a glare from Hermione. "What?" Bill asked looking confused. "Nothing," he quickly covered up. "You're sure in a happy mood," Molly said noticing how happy her son was. "Yup, sure am!" He answered with a bright and bubbly voice. "I can tell you've got a little sparkle in your eyes there Gred." George pointed out. "May I why you're in such a good mood?" "No reason mum, just had a great sleep." He smirked looking down at looking down at Hermione who was even more red than before, and covering her face. "Okay, well since everyone is now here let's eat breakfast," She said ushering everyone into the kitchen.

Fred leaned over to make sure everyone was in the kitchen before he swooped down and caught Hermione's lips in a fiery passionate kiss. George pulled a face and almost gagged when he saw his brother's hands slowly travel down Hermione's body and squeezing her arse. "Oi! I'm right here!" He yelled at the two. They pulled away from each other and Hermione blushed pulling herself away from Fred. On her way to the kitchen Fred slapped her arse and she jumped with a squeal looking at him over her shoulder with a shocked look before it turned into a smile, and she winked at him, before continuing to walk into the kitchen slowly swaying her hips to tease him.

Fred's eyes were glued on Hermione as she made her way into the kitchen and when she was out of sight he sighed. "God I love that woman, she knows just what to do to drive me mad." "Stop it!" George yelled at his twin. "You're acting like a love sick puppy, and since when have you been in love with Hermione? I thought you just fancied her?" "I did fancy in 3rd year, but I fell in love with her last year," He replied. "And how come you've never told me that you loved her?" George asked sounding hurt. "I did tell you George, you just never listened," he said. And before George could answer, Molly head pocked out of the kitchen. "Well come on you two, your breakfasts getting cold! Chop Chop!" She shouted at her boys with her hands on her hips. "This conversation isn't over," George said turning away from his brother and entering the kitchen.

Everyone sat down for breakfast, and shocking everyone Fred sat beside Hermione instead of his twin brother. Everyone was having their conversation and stoped them when Ginny spoke to Hermione. "Hey Hermione, you didn't come back to my room last night." She said cocking her head to the side at her friend. "I ended up sleeping with Fred because I had a nightmare and he was comforting me." She lied to Ginny, making George snort. "What are you a pig now? You've been acting strange all morning," Ginny pointed. Molly looked concerned and rose out of her chair. She pressed a hand to his forehead and sighed. "You don't have a fever," she said tapping her foot on the ground. "Mum I'm fine—" he tried to say but cut him self off when she shoved a thermometer into his mouth, making everyone laugh.

Word count: 1042

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