Chapter 13: Finding Hermione

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"Hermione!!" Fred yelled running through the corridors. "Hermione!" He shouted poking his head into an empty classroom. Still no sign of the bushy haired girl. "Where could she be?!" He cried running around with Harry and Ginny hot on his trail. "Fred slow down!" Ginny yelled at her older brother. Fred stopped and turned around to face them. "We need to figure out where she would be. I can check the girls bathroom, Harry, go and the library. Fred go and check your dorm." She instructed. Both of them nodded before the three of them took off in different directions. On his way to their dormitory Fred ran into George and Lee. "Any luck?" George asked, slowing his to a light jog. "No, I'm heading to our dorm now to see if she's in there. Can you guys check the Gryffindor dorm?" Fred asked and they both nodded. "Of course." Fred smiled at them before he rushed to his dorm.

Ginny was walking back from after checking the girls bathroom. She was about to check the one with Moaning Myrtle, when she stopped in her tracks when she came face to face with Ron. He had a black eye, a bleeding and split lip, a swollen left cheek, and he was holding a bloody piece of Kleenex over his bleeding nose. "What the hell happened to you?" Ginny asked not sure if she should be concerned or laugh. "George punched me after you guys left, then Dean ran over punched me in the eye, then Seamus must of over heard what happened because he came over and punched me in the mouth. And then Neville broke my nose." That made Ginny laugh. "Neville broke your nose?" She asked trying to hold back her laugh. "It's not funny!" Ron whined, wincing a bit because his nose still hurt like a bitch. "Can you take me to Madame Pomfrey?" Ginny looked at him and rose an eyebrow. "And why would I do that? You have two audible legs that work." She said crossing her arms over her chest. "Because I'm your brother." Ron replied. "Yeah, my brother that tried to drug Hermione."

Ron rolled his one good eye. "I'm sorry." He said generally meaning it. "For what? Attempting to drug Hermione or getting caught?" Ron thought of what he was going to say, because he didn't want Ginny to take his answer the wrong way, she probably would anyway. Ginny rolled her eyes and started to turn around. "Goodbye Ron." She said. "Hey guys Lee found Hermione" George said as he ran up to them, but then saw Ron's face and burst out laughing. "What the hell happened to your face?!" He cried with laughter, pointing at Ron and almost falling over. "I know I did your cheek but who gave you the hell gave you the bloody nose and black eye?" He asked wheezing with laughter. "Neville and Dean." Ginny answered with a smirk. "Longbottom?!" George asked not knowing he was violent. "Remind me to thank him later." George said making Ginny laugh, and Ron scowl at both of them. 

"Hermione!" Lee called out. "Granger where are you!" George called out. George then heard what sounded like someone sniffling and stoped in his tracks. He put out his arm out and Lee crashed right into it. "You hear that?" George asked. Lee was quite for a second and he heard the sniffling George did. "I think it's coming from over here." George and Lee quickly jogged down the hallway and turned the corner only to find Hermione. She had her knees pulled to her chest and was crying into them. "Stay with her I'm going to go get the others." George said as he brushed his hand against Lees and ran off.

"Has anybody ever told ya that a pregnant lady shouldn't cry?" Lee asked gaining Hermione's attention. She quickly wiped her tears away and looked down. Lee walked over and sat down against the wall. "Where's George?" She asked. "Getting the others. Are you ok?" Hermione looked at him meekly before she averted his eyes. "I, I'm not sure. I feel physically fine. . . but—" She was cut off by Lee asking "Your mind still hasn't fully wrapped around the fact that your best friend tried to drug you?" He asked. Hermione nodded, "Yeah" She meekly said looking away from him.  They sat in silence for a while, and Hermione couldn't stand it.

"So how are you and George doing?" She asked, attempting to make conversation. Lee's head snapped up at the mention of him and George. "W—what? Wh—what do y—ou mean? We're fine! Better then fine! Fine as best friends are we're—" Lee stuttered before Hermione cut him off. "Lee, I know you and George are together. There's no point in hiding it. I'm not called the smartest witch of my age for nothing." Lee sighed in defeat. She was right. "Fine. We're together." He admitted for the first time. "That's wonderful Lee. But, what about Angela how'd she take the news?" Lee sighed. "Well for starters, she hates me. George broke up with her a few weeks after he found out—"

"He was gay?" Hermione asked. "Yeah. She screamed at him, well actually me more, she accused me of doing something to him, and then she tried to hex me, it was just a big bloody blow up." Hermione nodded completely understanding. She would probably have a similar reaction if she found out Fred was gay. "Does anybody else know?" She glancing at him. "No, your the only one so far." She was about to ask him more about his and George's relationship, when she suddenly heard her name being yelled. She felt herself being pulled off the ground and pulled into a pair of strong arms. She inhaled their scent and immediately knew it was Fred.

Fred set her down in his lap and cradled her face in his hands. They started into each others eyes and Fred felt the weight of a thousand bricks leave his shoulders. The only thing that mattered to him was Hermione, safe in his arms. Lee got up from against the wall and coughed when he was beside George. "Uh, George? Can I talk to you?" Lee asked and George nodded. "Yeah sure." He shrugged. "Yeah, I'll come too. These two are probably going to shag by the way their looking at each other. I don't wanna be in the middle of that." Ginny said pointing at Fred and Hermione who were still intently staring at each other. "I wanted to talk to him alone" He said giving Ginny a "your not coming" look. "Why alone?" Ginny asked mocking his tone. "You two gonna sneak into a broom closet and snog?" She crossed crossed her arms over her chest and smirked at their faces. Lee's face burned red and George's mouth hung open. "NO!" They both yelled together and quickly.

"I was just kidding. I mine as well take this idiot to the infirmary." Ginny said looking Ron. "Ron's here?" Lee asked looking over his shoulder and jumping when he saw Ron. "Yes that would be very much appreciated!" Ron said. Lee then noticed the bloody kleenex over his nose. "What happened to your nose." Ron turned to Lee and looked him in the eyes as he said "Neville broke it." In a weird voice. They all then heard laughing. They turned and saw it came from Fred. "Neville broke your nose?" He barked with laughter. "Yes funniest ever! Neville broke my nose! Hilarious! Now can someone take me to Madame Pomfrey so she can fix it?!" Ginny rolled her eyes and grabbed Ron's arm and took him to the hospital wing.

After Ginny dragged Ron away Lee grabbed George and lead him away from Hermione and Fred. Lee quickly found an empty broom closet and shoved George in. He waved his wand and lit the closet so they could see each other. Lee looked George and saw he had a cheeky smirk on his face. "Looks like you did want to snog in a broom closet." He remarked. "We'll do that later! Hermione knows." George looked his boyfriend, his smirk leaving his face in an instant. "She . . . knows about . . . her being . . . pregnant?" He asked, but knowing what was talking about. "No you idiot! She knows about us!" George started at him before his eyes slowly grew wide. "How'd she find out?! Did you tell her? I thought we agreed that we'd tell everyone together at Christmas?!" Lee ran his fingers through his hair. He knew George would react like this.

"She figured it out. Why do you think she's called the smartest witch of her age for?" George sighed and crossed her arms. "I told her to not anyone. I'm actually surprised that Fred has caught on either, or at least become suspicious of it."
"He's already suspicious. He's asked me a few times about it but every time I just denied it until he stopped asking." Lee nodded and sighed. " Their probably looking for us wondering where we are. I'll leave first then you can shortly after." Lee quickly pecked George on the cheek. "I'll see you in class." George said as he watched Lee leave. His smile never fading.

I'm really sorry I haven't been updating! But here it is! A long over due update!! Sorry aging but I hope you enjoyed it! I just wanted to say thank you for the amazing feedback and comments I've gotten from you guys!! I'll forever love you guys thank you again!!

Word count 1606

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