Chapter 1: A lustful stare

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Hermione was in the kitchen washing all the dishes to give Molly Weasley a break she well deserved. The boys were outside playing Quidditch, and as Hermione watched them she couldn't take her eyes off a certain Weasley. She watched as he flew through the air, holding the stick of his broom tightly and dodging the Bludger, just barely. She slowly swirled the brush around the soapy water that was in the pot she was supposed to be washing, which got the soapy bubbles from the water on her arms and counter. She watched as the Weasley mount off his broom before he started to joke with his twin.

There was no doubt about it. Hermione Granger was in love with Fred Weasley. So many people thought she had fancied Ron, but that was a just a small fancy in second and third year. Just watching Fred was getting her all flustered, and wishing for his much-needed touch. Her mind wandered and she soon enough started to think about all the things he could do to her, and it wasn't helping. She longingly stared at Fred as her mind clouded, and becoming even more flustered and provoked when he peeled his shirt off of his sweaty chest, showing what good Quidditch did to him over the years.

Hermione bit her lip in anticipation leaning herself further into the sink, submerging her arms deeper into the soapy and murky water. She was too busy watching Fred pour water over his own head, to notice his twin's girlfriend Angelina, walk into the kitchen. Hermione gently pulled her arm out of the water, and as she watched Fred she traced a line of bubbles up her arm, collarbone, neck, and jawline, as she still slowly swirled the brush in the pot of water.

Angelina couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. She knew Hermione had a thing for Fred. She smirked as Hermione started to trace a path of bubbles along her body and couldn't stop the words from leaving her mouth. "Well, that's as clean as it'll ever be." Angelina's comment must have startled Hermione because she jumped at her words pulling the pot up with her and spilling water on the floor. Hermione quickly spun around and put her hand to her racing heart looking at Angelina. "How–" She tried to say but cut herself short to take a gulp of air; "how long have you been standing there?" Angelina laughed and shook her head replying; with "long enough to see you practically eye shagging Fred." Hermione's eyes went wide as she bit her lip trying to come up with a lie. "I wasn–" "Stop with the bloody lying Hermione." She cut her off. "I know you like Fred. Hell, I know you're probably in love with him. Just admit it." Hermione's eyes dropped to the floor. "I–I don't–" She didn't know what to say.

Angelina crossed her arms over her chest waiting for her reply but all she got out of the young Gryffindor were short and choppy sentences. "Fine, if you're not going to admit it to me, you should at least admit it to him." "What?!" Hermione shouted pushing herself away from the sink and backing up. "I'm not admitting anything to Fred because there's nothing to–" She quickly stopped talking when she backed into something; or more someone. She slowly looked up and gulped when she saw Fred looking down at her with a smile. "What are we not admitting to Fred?" He asked. "Nothing;" Hermione quickly said pushing herself away from him and taking off without another glance. "What's up with Mione?" Harry asked. "I have no idea." Angelina lied wishing she would just admit her feelings. "It's probably her time of the month." Ron guessed with a mouth full of apple chunks. "Ron;" Angelina scolded picking up a roll of bread that was left on the table and throwing it at his head. "Ow," Ron said rubbing his head.

Everyone except for Fred, George and Angelina filed out of the kitchen, and George went to kiss Angelina's cheek then whispered in her ear "Was she staring at Fred again?" "Yeah caught her and everything"Angelina replied nodding "Did Hermione seem off to you guys?" Fred asked. "I don't know why?" George asked his brother. "I don't know, but I think she was staring at me before we came in," Fred admitted. "Well, maybe you should go talk to her, make sure she's ok."Angelina persuaded him. "Yeah, I think I'll do that." Fred said walking out of the kitchen and still hearing George yell "use protection!"

Fred has always loved Hermione and George was the only one who knew about it. Ever since her 2nd year, he's loved her, and he can't handle the fact that she loves Ron, and he wouldn't hesitate to hex the bloody hell out of Ron if it was ever him who hurt her.

He walked up the stairs to Ginny's room and mentally pleaded for Ginny not to be in there so he could have some alone time with Hermione. His heart pounded when he went into his sister's room, but he was soon relieved when he didn't see Hermione. "Have you seen Mione?" Ginny didn't look up from her magazine when she said "bathroom." He nodded his head and went into the bathroom to see her sitting on the countertop hugging her legs to her chest, with her head buried in between her long legs.

He sadly smiled and walked in closing the door behind him, which made her head snap up. "Fred." She said barely a whisper. He walked over to her until he stood in front of her. She looked at him for a split second before putting her head back down to resume her original position. He heard a small sob come from her, and he knew she was crying. "Hermione what's—" He gently touched her leg and she cut him off and said a stern "don't." which made him retract his hand back. "Will, you at least tell me what's wrong?" "I don't know if I should." She said lifting her head to look at him again. "Of course you can." He reassured her cupping her cheeks with his hands and wiping her tears away. Hermione searched Fred's eyes and saw they were filled with love. Deciding her next move quickly she leaned in and kissed him.

The last thing Fred expected was for Hermione to kiss him, but long and behold she did. She pulled away looked at Fred's face, he had a dazed expression, and his eyes were bulging out of his bloody head. She could feel the tears pricking her eyes, how stupid was she? He clearly doesn't feel the same way! She quickly retracted away from him and went back to her original position.

Fred just stared at Hermione speechless. He couldn't comprehend that she just kissed him in his mind. As soon as he heard her small sob, it broke him out of his trance, and he reacted immediately. He pulled her ankles forward pulling her towards him. She looked up at him as he towered over her, he then swooped down to capture her lips in his.

She kissed him back with such hunger and passion as Fred's hand slowly trailed up her shirt. She hooked her fingers in the belt loops of his jeans and pushed herself into his body earning a deep moan from him. He broke the kiss and quickly lifted her shirt over her head, and just admired the view he had. "Like what you see?" She giggled, making Fred smile. "You have no idea." He gave her a short kiss before he slowly started leaving wet, and hot kisses on her neck, jawline, and collarbone, earning a loud moan from her. She laced her fingers through his fiery red hair, as he held her close to him planting kisses along her body. He then took hold of her long legs and put them around himself, before he picked her up and carried her to his room.

I hope you liked the first part of my Fremione story! Please vote and comment!
Word count: 1374

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