Chapter 6: The Near Death of Fred Weasley

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Hermione felt dizzy when she woke up. And as she sat up she cradled her head in her hands. She didn't remember much. All she could really remember was Harry telling her something and then her fainting. She didn't understand why she had a headache. She couldn't be hungover, she wasn't even drinking last night. "Your wake."

The voice startled her. She jumped and looked to her right only to relax when she saw it was only Harry. "Harry?" She asked her voice rough and dry. "What—?" She asked but stopped as she swallowed. Her mouth and throat feeling numb and dry. "What happened." She looked around the room and took in its surroundings. She was in Harry's room, or what use to be Charlie's old room. Molly had given Harry Charlie's room, so now whenever Charlie is home him and Bill bunk in his room together. The last thing she remember was being in Fred and George's room before everything was black, and she now has splotchy memories of the last few hours. Harry must have moved her when she was passed out.

"You fainted."  Harry answered. "But why?" Hermione noticed the glass of water beside the bed. She eyed it for a second before she quickly grabbed it and chucked every last drop back. She gasped with fulfillment when the last drop of water had trickled down her throat. "You fainted because I told you that you were pregnant." Harry spilled, not even attempting to beat around the bush. Hermione just stared at him. Pregnant? No. She couldn't be. "Harry, you must be wrong. I can't be, there's no possible explanation." Hermione strongly disagreed. "Fine, here's your prof. Lift up your shirt." Harry instructed pulling out his wand. Hermione did as told, and watched as Harry waved his wand in a circle before pointing it at Hermione's lower abdomen, and casting the Conjuentus Phanello spell.

Hermione looked down and watched as her stomach started to glow a bit and two bright pink lines formed above her belly button. When she saw those two lines appear she screamed. A look of pure panic flashed across her face, as she started at the two lines and watched as they slowly started to disappear. Harry looked at Hermione sadly. He got up from where he was and sat next to her on the bed. Once he was seated on the bed, Hermione threw herself onto him and sobbed into his shoulder. He slowly pulled her head down into his lap and stroked her hair as he let her cry. "Harry," She choked on her words. "I can't be, this has to be a dream" She tried to deny as her tears flowed like waterfalls, soaking Harry's shirt through.

She couldn't believe it. Even with the proof she had, her mind was still screaming at her that it wasn't true. Harry sighed as he held his best friend. "Hermione?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. She sniffed in response as she looked up at him her eyes red and puffy. "Is it . . . Is it Fred's?" He asked his eyes flickering between her face and stomach where she now had a little Weasley growing.

Hermione pulled her sleeves over her hands and wiped away her tears and nodded. "Ok." He said quietly, his eyes trained on the door. " just wanted to make sure it was him so that I kill the right person." He spoke before standing on his feet, and walking out the door. "Wait Harry!" Hermione said rushing after. She raced down the steps of the burrow after him. "Harry! Please stop for a second!" She called again. He ignored her pleas to stop. He caught sight of who assumed was Fred and started yelling at him in the middle of the staircase.

"Fred you son of a bitch!" Harry yelled stroming over to him and punching "Fred" flat in the eye. "Harry what hell!?" George yelled at Harry his hand flying up to hold his eye. Before Harry could say a word Hermione ran up to him. "Harry stop!" Hermione said frantically as she grabbed his arm stopping him from hitting George again. "I should beat the crap out of you." Harry grunted at George who was confused. "Why?!" George asked still holding his now blackening eye.

"You got Hermione pregnant!!" Harry yelled at George forgetting he was in the middle of the burrow. George's eyebrows shot up. "Fred did what?!" He asked staring at Harry and then Hermione. "What?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows. "What do you mean Fred did—your George." Harry said realization hitting him like a truck. "Yeah! Ya bloody think?!" George yelled before turning his attention to Hermione.

"Your pregnant?" He asked in a hushed whisper. Hermione glance around before she bit her lip and nodded. She felt a wave of emotions and next thing she knew she was crying again. "Yes. Fred doesn't know, please George, I'm begging you! Let me tell him." Hermione cried not knowing how this situation should be handled. "Of course I won't say anything." George promised. They both looked at Harry, wanting him to promise to not say a word. "Harry, don't tell Ginny, and especially don't tell Ron." Hermione begged. Harry started at her and nodded. "I won't say a word." He promised her, joking put his hand over his heart, as if taking the unbreakable vow. "Thank you." Hermione said though her tears pulling him into a tight hug.

Hermione let go of Harry, and he turned to see George glaring at him. "Um, sorry about you eye.." Harry said sheepishly as George rolled his one good eye. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Harry turned around and walked up the stairs, as Fred trotted down them and past Harry. Harry looked stopped and looked at Hermione and pointed to Fred. Hermione just gave him her famous "Hermione glare" and shook her head no at Harry before he continued up the rest of the stairs and to his room, or wherever he was going.

Fred trotted down the stairs in a happy mood, being obviously by the huge grin on his face. "Hey 'Mione. Hey Geo—" he started to say until he started laughing when he saw George's very noticeable and hard to miss black eye. "What the bloody hell happened?!" He asked howling with laughter. "Uh," George looked at Hermione for help and but she didn't saying anything. "I was testing the boxing telescope...I guess it works." George said, before adding "I'm gonna get an ice pack." Fred was still laughing a bit after George left, and he immediately noticed that Hermione seemed, off. "Hey, is everything alright?" He asked her. Hermione looked up and him and nodded. "Yes, everything's fine." She lied looking down at her stomach.

Word count: 1135

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