Chapter 9: How could you?!

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Ron looked at Hermione who looked like she was about to burst into tears. He then shifted his sight to Fred. "You!" He shouted pointing his finger at Fred. "How could you! You knew I was in love with her!" Ron screamed; tears storming down his face. ""You knew I loved her!" Ron screamed at Fred. "Ron—" Fred tried to apologize but Ron wasn't having it. "No! I thought you were my brother! I can't believe you shagged her! Even after I told you I loved her! It was bad enough that I found out you two were together, but know to find out you two shagged! I'm the one who was supposed to have children with her! Not you!" Ron screamed though his tears. "I'm sorry Ron it just happened." Fred tried to apologize to him, but Ron didn't want to hear what he had to say. He stormed out. "I'll talk to him." Harry told them as he ran after Ron.

"I can't believe it! My own brother shagging Hermione!" Ron shouted as he stomped off the the Gryffindor tower. "Mate would you slow down!" Harry yelled on the other end of the hallway at him, as he tried to keep up. Ron stopped walking and practically glowered in anger. "Why are you so angry?" Harry asked trying to catch his breath. "I'm angry because I told Fred I loved her, only to find out the next day that they were dating! I thought it would just be a phase, but now their having a baby! It was bad enough to find out that but knowing that their shagging!" He shouted turning around and punching the wall. "Their having a bloody baby Harry!" Ron ignored the burning pain in his hand. "I love her Harry! I'm sickened at the thought of her carrying Fred's kid! That kid should be mine!" Ron growled before he punched the wall three more times as if he were in a boxing match with the wall. "Ron! You're gonna break your bloody hand! Stop it!" Harry grasped Ron's shoulder and wheeled him and shoving him against the wall. "Calm the hell down!"

Ron leaned his head back and burst into tears. He was overwhelmed with emotion. He chocked on his tears as they spilled. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to keep himself calm. He felt a sense of betrayal directed at Fred. His body would have crumpled to the ground if it wasn't for Harry holding him up. Every muscle in his quivered as he tensed up. He swallowed hard as his throat burned, the thought of Hermione and Fred was projecting in his mind. He could practicality see them snogging the daylights out of each other. Fred holding Hermione and touching her. He suddenly felt a burning sting on his cheek. Harry had just slapped him. Ron opened his eyes and saw Harry staring at him. "Ron you need to calm down!" Harry yelled at his best friend before he passed out, or did something he'd regret later. Ron took a deep breath as tears still flowed. He eventually got his breathing normal.

"Are you Alright?" Harry asked after he left go of Ron. "Physically?" Ron asked leaning against the wall. "Yes, emotionally?" He sighed and looked at Harry with a hefty pain in his eyes. "No I'm not emotionally ok. The love of my life is sleeping with my brother." He pulled a face as he said it. "And now I find out that their having a baby."

"Ron, you need to just accept it. What's happened, happened, and there's no changing it. You can either be supportive of Hermione or not, but right now she needs her supportive friend, not a jealous git." Ron nodded knowing that Harry was right. "Fred needs you too Ron. You're his brother." Ron nodded taking a breath after fully calming down. "I need to be alone." Ron said after taking his breath. "Are you sure?" Harry asked letting him go and taking a step back. "Yeah. I just—I want to be alone." Harry nodded understanding. "I'll see you back in the dorm." Ron said sadly walking to the Gryffindor.

Ron entered the common room and went straight up to the dorms, ignoring the calls from Dean, Seamus, and Neville. The three boys followed him up to the dorm. "What's with the face Ron?" Dean asked poking fun at him. Ron didn't answer them. "What's got your kinkers in a twist?" Seamus asked Ron. "I'm fine." He replied as he walked up the stairs of the boys dormitory. "You're clearly not." Dean replied looking at the gloomy look in his eyes. "Fine, if you want to know so bad, Hermione and Fred are having a baby, and angry with them becuase I'm in love with her."

The three boys gaped at Ron and started at him wide eyed. "WHAT!!" They all shouted. "Granger's pregnant?" Dean asked with Neville then asking; "With Fred's child?" Ron sadly nodded after he went into his dorm, and the three wide eyed boy's follwoed him. "I didn't even know they were dating." Seamus said shock still clear on his face. "They just started dating over the summer." Ron answered him, as he fell face first onto his bed. "I'm happy I'm not Fred right now. Your mums going to kill him." Ron's ears perked at what Seamus just said. "What did you say?" He asked sitting up and looking at Seamus. "I said I was glad I'm not Fred becuase your mum would probably avada kedavra his arse."

Ron got an idea. He got up and pulled out a quill and peice of parchment. "What are you doing?" Neville asked peering over Ron's shoulder to see what he's writing. "I'm writing a letter to mum telling her about Hermione and Fred being pregnant." He answered finishing up the letter. "Why?" Seamus asked as Ron folded it up and shoved it into an envelope. "So she'll get mad at Fred." Ron answered, after dashing out of the Gryffindor tower and to the owlery to give Hedwig his letter.

I'm long over due an update so here it is! Sorry taking forever to update schools been crap
Word count: 1042

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