Not a chapter (new story promoting)

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Hey guys! I hoped you liked the last chapter! I'm promoting a new story I just published that I am so proud of! And I thought that maybe some of you would want to give it a read! (The cover is up top for it)

The story is called One Way Trip To Wonderland

Description:  I always thought it was a story. I thought Wonderland was just a fairy tale, that Alice was just a character in a book, and a cartoon. I didn't know any of this was real. I've seen the movies, I've read the book. I had no idea it was real. Until now...

My name is Flora Beatrix and I found myself a way to Wonderland. But this Wonderland, is different. It's darker, and with characters, and people I've never heard about. And this Wonderland is ruled by the Blue Queen. And trust me. You will not believe me when I tell you who she is.

Thank you guys for all the reads on this story! I am forever thankful! I would love to get more reads on my new story! I hope your interested in it!! Thanks!

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