Chapter 18: Weasel Jerk

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Hermione kept watching the door to the Great waiting to see Fred. When she saw him she jumped excitedly in her seat holding the urge to jump up and run to him. When he came to the table she smiled gleefully up at him. "Hi Fred! How was class?" She asked watching her him sit next to her. Her smiled faltered when he didn't respond. She repeated herself again and her smile almost fell when he didn't say anything. "Freddie!" She called to him, and he finally looked up. "What? Oh," He said, looking at her then down at his hands "How was class?" She repeated her question and she sensed the hesitance he had to answer. "Um, it was good." He shortly replied. Hermione gave him a strange look and knew something was wrong and bothering him. "What's wrong?" she asked, and Fred looked at her from the corner of his eyes before quickly averted his gaze, putting it on the jug of pumpkin juice that was laid out on the table. He quickly picked it up and started pouring himself a glass trying to avoid her question. "Fred what's wrong?" Hermione repeated concern bubbling in her chest. 

Fred finally answered, but it was with a simple "Nothing" that was bland on his tongue, not even the pumpkin juice he drank gave it spice. Hermione fell silent for a second and read into Fred. "Then why can't you look at me?" She asked, her voice cracking as slipped along her lips. That made Fred snap. "Hermione I'm fine. Class was just tougher than usual and I'm not feeling the best okay? Leave me alone." He finally looked at her and his stomach turned when he saw the look on her face.

Hermione tried to hold her feeling down in her chest but soon her pot was too hot and about to boil over. She watched him and he didn't even seem any bit phased that she was about to cry. "Hermione. I'm sor-" But as soon as he spoke and began reaching out to touch her face, she hotly pushed his hand away spitting out a sharp and angry "Don't" before she grabbed her bag and left the great hall without a second word. She heard him call for her, but she ignored it as the tears fell. Hermione was an emotional person, but being pregnant made her emotions ten times worse.

She hastily walked away from the Great Hall trying to get away. Her mind wandered as she stormed around the castle, and she started to wonder, did Fred really love her? Or, was he only with her because of the baby.... As soon as the thought came, she pushed it down, not wanting to think about it more as she climbed the Gryffindor tower, trying to find someone who was willing to listen. 

She entered the tower as her tears fell. "Hermione? What's wrong? Are you okay?" She heard a voice ask. Not even looking to see who it was, she ran up and hugged them, sobbing into their gold and red robes. She felt two strong arms wrap around her, and found the person leading them towards the couch. "Shh," They soothed her rubbing her back, allowing her to let it all out. 

After a few minutes of crying and calming down Hermione looked up to see who was holding her. It was Ron. "Ron?" She asked, looking up at her best friend while she wiped away her tears, feeling embarrassed that she broke down on him. "I'm," Hermione said, and Ron stopped her. "Shh, it's okay." He said brushing her hair away from her face. "Are you okay?" He asked, and she fell silent not knowing how to respond, she wasn't okay. But she didn't want Ron to go off and try to kill Fred. 

She looked him in the eyes and held his gaze for a second before looking away. "Hermione what happened?" Ron asked, and she swallowed her pride, letting her words flow and telling him everything. After everything poured out, she fell into Ron again, sobbing even more. "He really said that?"  He asked her and she sputtered out a yes between her sobs. After hearing her sputtered yes, he pulled her into him and hugged her body while rubbing her back, trying to sooth her. "What a jerk. I can't believe he would say that. Does he even want the baby? I wonder if he's just with you because of the baby, and scared that mum will disown him if he leaves you..." He asked the crying girl who cried out muffled and understandable words that sounded like gibberish. He whispered the last part to himself, trying to the thought to himself, but he didn't know Hermione heard. 

He continued to rub her back as he thought of a way to help her. "How about you go back to your dorm. I'll get Ginny and we'll come and get you and your things, and you can sleep here tonight." Hermione raised her head from his chest, looking up at him with red and puffy eyes. "Are, are you sure?" She asked though a sob like hiccup. "Yes." He said without a second thought. Hermione dropped her gaze, not sure if she should or not. "I don't know..." She trailed off, wondering if she should talk to Fred or not. "Come on Mione. I think you need a break from him." Ron encouraged and she thought about. 

Her mind and heart were tugging at the thought. Her mind said yes, her heart said no and cried when it thought of being away from him. But her mind took over her heart. "Okay." Was all she said, agreeing to what he said, not knowing Ron took this as his chance. "Okay sounds good, you go back to your dorm and I will get Ginny. We be there in twenty minutes." He then reached and procced to kiss her on the cheek. When she felt his chapped lips brush against her soft cheek, her stomach noted. 

She didn't know if it was in a pleasant, or repulsing way. She bushed the thoughts quickly and stood up, Ron taking her hand. She looked at their hands, and her gut twisted more. She quickly took hers back and gave him a weak smile. She uttred out a small thank you before turning on her heel and leaving to her dorm. 

As she walked, she felt eyes on her. Trying to keep it together she ran as fast as her swollen pregnant feet could take her back to her dorm. She didn't notice she started crying until she made it back to the dorm and their portrait which was a knight said something. "Ms. Granger are you alright?" He asked, she wanted to say yes but her head shook no. "What happened?" He asked, and she broke, telling him everything. When she talked, he dramatically gasped, saying "no he didn't!" and "what a jerk!" he was in disbelief. 

When she was done talking he shook his head. "You shall not worry Madame Hermione. I will tell that little rotten weasel off when I see him. Come in rest your feet." He said opening the door and she thanked him. She slowly entered and took a seat at their couch. She sat for a minute before her head fell in her hands, and her eyes turned to waterfalls. 

Again! I am sorry for the late update! I hope you liked this chapter I will be posting the next one soon hopefully! Thank you guys for almost 100K I love you all! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

word count 1282 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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