Chapter 5: Sickness

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Hermione and Fred were laying in his bed together snuggling, when all of a sudden Hermione shot out of bed and dashed to the bathroom and started puking her guts out. Fred quickly followed her and said, "Oh Mia," as he held her hair back and rubbing her back, as she continued to spew out her breakfast. Soon enough she finished, then flush the toilet letting Fred gently pull her pale body into his, still soothingly rubbing her back. They stayed like that for a minute before there was a knock at the door, and it opened with Harry and Ginny on the other side of it. "Is everything ok?" Ginny asked with concern written across her face. "I don't know, 'Mione just threw up," Fred said giving his girl a concerned look. "I'll get mum," Ginny said leaving the bathroom. "Was she throwing up yesterday?" Harry asked as he crouched down to Fred's level and pressing the back of his hand to her forehead. "No, but she did say she was feeling a bit queasy." He told the raven haired boy.

Both of them stopped what they were doing when they heard Hermione groan,  and watched as she adjusted herself so that she had her legs wrapped around Fred's waist, and her face buried in the crook of his neck. "She's got a bad fever." Harry told him, as Hermione started to complain. "I'm cold," Hermione whined into his neck. "Mia, how could you be cold? You're burning up," He said holding her close as she then started to shake and put the palms of her hands flat on Fred's back. Molly then came into the bathroom, quickly instructing Fred to bring her to their room so she could examine her better. Fred did as instructed, and after Molly gave her a fever reducing draught, and a sleeping draught, and made everyone leave so she could sleep.

A couple of hours later Hermione woke up and saw Harry reading a book. He noticed her and quickly closed his book. "How are you feeling?" He asked pressing his hand to hre forehead. "I'm fine, what happened?" She asked confused. "You had a really bad fever, and you were throwing up.Molly gave you a sleeping draught so you could get some rest." He said gently, before adding something. "While you were sleeping I did a little research on your symptoms, and..." He trailed off not being able to say what it was. "And?" she asked wanting to know what was wrong with her. Harry just stayed silent and didn't say anything. "Harry Potter you better tell me this instant!" She demanded, using her best know it all voice. "It'll be kind of a shock," he warned. "Harry!" She shouted wanting an answer. Harry couldn't even look at her, he was to scared to tell her. "Harry James Potter! You better tell me what the bloody hell is wrong with me before I hex it out of you myself!" She yelled at the boy who lived. He visibly gulped knowing she would do it. "You know how, you and Fred have been, intimate?" He asked and she glared at him. "Don't beat around the bloody bush Harry! Just tell me what's wrong with me!" She was getting angrier and more upset with him by the second. "What is wrong with me?!" Harry looked her in the eyes and gulped. "You're pregnant." He said this time without hesitation.

After he said that he was even more scared. The look on her face didn't show any emotion. She stayed silent staring at him. "I-- I'm," she couldn't even form a sentence. "Are you lying to me? Because if this is some sick bloody joke that you and Ron--" "No Hermione, it's no joke, you are pregnant. I used my wand and did a spell, I would never lie about this." Hermione started at him, before looking down at her belly. She placed her hand on it, and felt a warm fuzzy feeling engulfed her body. She was pregnant! "There has to be another explanation, I can't be..." she trailed off suddenly feeling dizzy, and lightheaded. "Hermione?" Harry asked as he saw her start to sway. Harry watched as she fell back into the bed in a heap of curls and flesh.

This is my first update of the year! I hope you enjoyed it! Can't wait to keep writing more don't forget to vote, and comment I love reading your guys feedback!
Word count: 751

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