Chapter 16: Flashback

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Flashback chapter of George and Lee

Ever since Hermione and Fred had gotten together, Fred has been spending less and less time with George. Don't get him wrong, he was happy for him. Fred had been fancying Hermione ever since she came into their room that one night after having a nightmare and slept with him in his bed. But he missed his twin.

He's been pranking his brothers and sister all on his own because Fred's been to busy with Hermione. For the first time in his life, he felt lonely. Many people would assume that he'd be spending more time with his girlfriend Angela, but that's not the case. He's been more distant with her for some reason. Maybe it was because she didn't like coming around much.

Things just got worse when he found Hermione was pregnant. He almost didn't believe the news himself, but why else would Harry punch him and give him a black eye. He wanted to tell Fred so badly, he told his twin everything. But he promised both Harry and Hermione he wouldn't say a word. And he'd never break a promise (It was also mostly because regular Hermione is scary, so a pregnant hormonal Hermione? He'd rather give Snape red hair and turn McGonagall into a broom then piss her off). Fred could tell he was hiding something, and George felt like that was making them become distant more. He hated lying to him. But he had too.

Soon they were going back to school. It was Fred and George's last year. They were excited to finally be done school and start saving up to start their business. They've been wanting this their whole lives, but there was a nagging voice at the back of George's head that said their dream won't become a reality now because of the baby. But he tried not to think about it, he was Fred's twin, it was hard not to be happy for him. Besides if they had a boy they would have to name him George.

Sooner then George thought Fred found out. He wasn't mad at him like he thought he would've been, much to George's relief. But just like he expected, Ron didn't take the news very well. Just like he knew he would Ron threw a hissy fit, and George didn't expect him to tell a bunch of the other Gryffindors, but it's Ron. What do you expect. Ginny was shocked at the news but she soon came around and was happy for them.

Now that Fred knew he was with Hermione every second he could be. George was a wreck when McGonagall decided they needed their own dorm. The first night he tried to sleep in their dorm but McGonagall caught him and threatened points if he snuck out again. Lots of people including Angela were calling him ridiculous, for being sad and missing Fred. They said "it's just for the night" "he's down the corridor" "you'll see him in the morning" but they just didn't understand. He's his twin for Merlin's sake! He's spent his whole life with him! They've never been separated! They've shared a room since they were born!

A week has passed since Fred had moved out and George was a wreck. He had just gotten back to his dorm from getting into a fight with Angela. She got angry at him and told him to stop missing his brother and smarten up and asked him why he hasn't been missing her like he was Fred. He got mad and yelled at her and said some things he regretted. But she didn't understand. Maybe he was being ridiculous. His mind was haunted with thoughts that he didn't even notice he was crying. He just felt alone without his brother.

"George?" He heard Lees voice. The light switched on and George saw Lee sitting on the edge of his bed looking at him with concern. "Are you crying?" He asked looking at him. "No" George replied not meaning to sound harsh, as he wiped his tears away with his jumper. "What's wrong?" George was silent. "Wanna talk about it?" Lee asked. George looked up at him and their eyes met. Lee's were warm and filled with warmth and concern. George looked away not responding. Lee smiles lightly. George was so stubborn sometimes.

Lee laid down on George's bed next to him, which surprised George. "Wanna talk now?" He asked. George looked into Lee's eyes and felt... comfort, and warmth. He felt safe talking to him. He sighed and looked away, feeling a bit sad when he lost the warmth. "I miss Fred" he admitted. Lee nodded completely understanding. "I bet" he answered. George met his eyes and furrowed his eye brows. "Your not gonna call me ridiculous? Or say I'm over reacting?" He asked, and Lee looked at him confused. "No..." He trailed off. "Why would I call you ridiculous and say your over reacting?"

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