chapter 6 - answers (part 2)

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Duryodhan started to continue the story "They both got married. Years passed. Satyavati had two children named chitrangada and vichitraveerya.

Chitrangada died after fighting a gandharva who had the same name"

Abhinaya asked " Was he so stupid to fight a gandharva just because they had the same name"

Duryodhan chuckled and replied " Maybe he was stupid"

Abhinaya asked "Then what happened, suyo?"

Duryodhan continued " Shantanu died when vichitraveerya was a child. He was crowned as a king. Bheeshma due to Satyavati's words abducted princess Ambika and princess Ambalika of Kashi, to marry them to his half brother. Whereas princess Amba, the eldest Princess of Kashi married her love, the yuvraj of salva..

But vichitraveerya died with without kids.... Satyavati in fear of her future generation called ved Vyas, who was the son of satyavati and Maharishi Parashar, to help the queens to have children through niyog padathi"

Abhinaya curiously asked "what is niyog, suyo?"

Duryodhan replied" it is a way to have children when the husband died without any children, then a Maharishi is called to help the lady beget a child. This child is considered as the child of the lady's husband.... "

Abhinaya asked" what happened after that? "

Duryodhan continued" But the immature Princesses and a maid who was forced to take the queen's place were blessed with three sons.

Dhritarashtra, the eldest but the blind prince, was born to Ambika.

Pandu, the second but the pale prince, was born to Ambalika.

Vidur, who was an intelligent one with perfect features was born to a maid"

Abhinaya said "Mata satyavati is the same as her father. Cunning, selfish and greedy for power" with a weird face...

Duryodhan chuckled and said " yes she was once. She said she did it to protect the Kingdom"

Abhinaya questioned what happened next, suyo?" Very eagerly

Duryodhan said "Are you not a curious cat?"  And ruffled her hair. Later he continued ... " Prince Dhritarashtra was born blind because his mother closed her eyes when the mantra was given to her. But he made all his weakness into his strength . With the sound of footsteps he could guess the person. He knows all kinds of weaponries and is a skilled ruler. "

Abhinaya said " Wow, Mata Ambika would be proud of her son, right?"

Duryodhan said " Yes she was very proud of him, Zara"

Abhinaya asked"What about Maharaj Pandu? "

Duryodhan replied "Rajkumar Pandu was born pale as his mother, mata Ambalika's body during the mantra. He was much interested in Archery. Was a calm person. He was skilled but not as much as his elder brother but was graceful "

Abhinaya questioned "What about Rajkumar Vidur?"

Duryodhan said "The last son, Prince vidur. Mata Satyavati did not like the idea of giving the title of prince to vidur. Mata Satyavati also threw the daasi out of the Raj Mahal. Before she could throw vidur out, bheeshma came and stopped her. Vidur had the benefit of bheeshm who stood like pillar beside him and he himself was a very intelligent person. He was adored by the elders too. His mother, the head maid of mata Ambika, took the mantra as given. She sat like a frozen person with out any movement, but some grasps could be heard. Satyavati could not go again bheeshm and accepted vidura, but not whole heartedly."

665 words

Guys role play is open for the characters of abhinaya, abhimanyu, Krishna, subhadra, arjun and Draupadi for now some more characters will be introduced soon.

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How was chapter? Did you like the change in Amba's life?

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I know this is a fictional world where anything is possible so just a change. Since there is not going to be a war. Or is there going to be one?

Only I know 😜

Next update is also today so keep supporting me

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Untill then
Radhe Radhe

Author Sakshi

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