chapter 74

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The soldier said "well recently some people claim to have seen spirits of a couple wandering around the area. And also from the kingdom of panchal, i saw some strange looking people entering hastinapur. If it would have been morning, i would have understood it is something related to the royal family. But they entered at pitch dark. On the night of amavasya"

Lakshmana said "explain how these people looked"

The soldier said "black hood. That covers their face. Most of it except for the eyes. That thick black kajal under the eyes. Their sword is very different from ours. And those footwear. Made in the streets of places beyond gandhar. And that tattoo. I have a picture of it. I made it myself" and handed her a scroll.Abhinaya said "okay, you can leave. And yeah take a leave for a couple of days. I have given you a lot of work this week"

The soldier said "no maharani. It is my pleasure to work under you"

Abhinaya said "you are already my most efficient spy. And i insist you take some rest. Spend time with your family. I heard you recently had a girl child. Congratulations. You should spend some time with her. Well what did you name her?"

The soldier said "roshni"

Lakshman said "subhadra maa calls abhinaya as roshni too"

The soldier said "yes Rajkumar, we know. That is why I named her as roshni. My daughter is named after our empress. Our maharani" and left the room.

Vrishaketu opened the scroll. It will skull through which a snake was trying to slither.

Abhimanyu said " what on earth does this mean"

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Abhimanyu said " what on earth does this mean"

Jayanth said "it means, the snake portrays, the members of the group. Skull is representing dead people. It means that to reach their motive, they can go against the dead as well"

Abhinaya said "but this belongs to ******* gang. It means shakuni has shaken hands with them. Oh god. Now we have to face even more people who have no brains"

Lakshman and lakshmana noticed that siddarth was very silent from the beginning of the conversation.

Lakshmana asked "Siddharth you feel good right"

Lakshman asked "siddarth what happened?"

Abhinaya asked "yah Chandra what are you thinking?"

Siddharth said "Tara I am thinking about why the Eastern entrance is suddenly being used. And the soldier said, the back story started after the marriage of maharaj Dhritarashtra and maharani Gandhari. And that time shakuni was here. I do not why but I have feeling this was spread by him"

Vrishaketu said "he got a point"

Abhimanyu said "what i do not understand is why doctors are going there. Well people of hastinapur are known for their blind belief. Well are people of hastinapur not very superstitious?"

Jayanth said "well abhi is right. They considered a baby as bad omen. And now they are using the Eastern entrance. Why do I feel they are hiding something"

Abhinaya said "guys open the letter pitamaha sent. I feel this about the Eastern entrance"

Lakshman said "I will Start. To my great grandchildren. I bheeshm bless you with a long life"

Lakshmana said "children, I know by now you will have a lot of questions on the Eastern entrance. It was a good way to go to magadh. But then I never had any idea. Shakuni will spread the rumour. The gang is situated there. A lot of there loot is also kept there."

Jayanth continued to read "and also pandavas are having suspicions on you all. I advise you to stay low for a couple of days"

Vrishaketu said "Maharaj yudhishthir has sent spies behind you. Stay alert. Your pitamaha. Gangaputr bheeshma"

Siddharth said "what the hell is wrong with maharaj yudhishthir? Why would he send his spy."

Abhinaya said "Manyu bhaiya, I hope you will handle it by your self. Since you are the general."

Abhimanyu said "I can handle it."

Jayanth said "so now what is your plan?"

Abhinaya said "as pitamaha said, stay low. Do nothing. Shakuni will do nothing"

Lakshman asked "how are you so sure?"

Vrishaketu said "yeah. What if he does some thing?"

Abhinaya said "do not worry. My spy, the one I sent behind him, said that he is not planning anything as his sister is here. So we wait for the guests to arrive and also leave safely. Because they are our first priority. And I have a tunnel that connects my chambers and this chamber. So next meeting will be in our room. And we will use the tunnel and come here."

Abhimanyu asked "how?"

Siddharth and abhinaya went near the mirror and pulled it to their left. A stairs were found going deep underground. It would reach under the bed of abhinaya.

Lakshmana said "brilliant"

Abhinaya continued "well our first place is panchal. So Jayanth and me. We are going to check the progress of work of the tunnel that connects my magadh with Ayodhya, Anga, kampilya, panchal, indraprastha hastinapur and Dwarka. And all other kingdoms. Tonight. Anyone else wants to join us?"

Siddharth said "no, you cannot go either. Tara you forgot he is coming tonight. He will kill you if you are not here to welcome himm why do you want die? You know how possessive he is?"

Abhinaya said "oh yeah. Jay, today we have guests coming. Sorry but not tonight"

Jayanth asked "who is coming Priya?"
960 words

Hastinapur and their obsession with superstition.

The planning

Shakuni will not do anything stupid forget some time being

The new gang. Suspense number one

We have new characters I see. But next part. Suspense number two

How was the chapter? Tell me in the comments section down

Next update is also today

Until then
Radhe radhe

Until then Radhe radhe

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Author Sakshi

Abhi twins - A Mahabharata fanfiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now