chapter 63

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In hastinapur
Next morning

All the five mothers and the three musketeers are getting ready to leave for magadh.

Subhadra says "Maa, you should have also joined us now and then you could have returned with them. Roshni would love to have you there"

Kunti said "yeah she would. But both Jyestha and gandhari jiji are also here na. So only I cannot come. Tell my gudiya, I will stay there for more than three months"

Subhadra said "of course maa, it is your kingdom too.

An eagle landed on the soldier who had been staying there.

There were two letters. The soldier knew the small Letter was for him. He opened it and read the content. Then he made his way towards bhishm and said "Mahamahim, samragni Chandrapriya has sent this letter to you and said it is to be read when alone." While handing over the Letter to him.

All the eight, were making their way towards the entrance when Draupadi said "I know why abhinaya is calling them so early. Suthanu, she is jealous of you"

Suthanu said "why maa"

Draupadi said "she needs attention. And now there is no one to give her any attention. And she is jealous of you because you get all the attention from pandavas which she never recieved"

Now even the Pandavas saw her. They felt something serious is about to happen.

Arjun felt guilty for this. Because of him and his promise to Draupadi that he will never question her no matter what the situation is. Now here his wife was calling his daughter an attention seeker and he could not do anything about it.

The soldier made a mental note to tell the queen about this.

Suthanu chuckled and said "you are right maa. I am the most pampered princess of whole aryavart"

All of them except Draupadi, pandavas, upapandavas and suthanu started laughing at her statement.

Draupadi said "why are you laughing at my daughter?"

Subhadra now glared at Draupadi and said "Maharani, if your daughter is the most pampered princess in the world then my daughter should be considered the the most pampered queen"

Subhadra stared directly at Draupadi and suthanu while saying "maharani Draupadi, I am still the queen mother of whole aryavart. For your kind information, my daughter never craved for any attention from pandavas."

Duryodhana continued her words saying "she is more pampered child than your suthanu. I might add she is most pampered child you will see in the whole world. Your suthanu is nothing compared to her. She has a huge family"

Kunti said "Along with five mothers, she has the support of all the sons of Kauravas, sons of putr karna also consider my gudiya as their princess. Putr ashwatthama's sons are very possesive about abhinaya. For all the princes of dwarka, abhinaya is like a precious gem. And even other sons of pandavas whose mother is not you Draupadi, considered gudiya as their own sister."

Ashwatthama continued"Even the king of asurs, bheem putr, ghatotkacha also considered abhinaya as his sister. By this you might have understood that how many brothers my laila has who Pampers her and can do anything just to see her smile. She does not even need an army."

Kamakshi said "also she has her papa who is bhrata karna, bhrata duryodhana as her bestfriend and uncles like Arya ashwatthama, vasudev Krishna, shreeman Balaram and Ayodhya naresh, gautham who are like father figures in her life. I do not see the necessity of pandavas in her life. Laila has already broken ties with all of you"

Supriya said "She is a gem for the people of hastinapur who praise her for the simplicity she has. People of Anga and kampilya consider her as their own princess. For the people of Ayodhya, she is so precious that they named her as Tara meaning stars which is very precious. And for the people of Magadha, she is their goddess annapoorna as she provides food. She is maa Lakshmi to them for she makes sure there is no poor people in her kingdom. She is also maa mahakali for them as she protects the kingdom."

Bhanumati said" She is adored by everyone including gods. Your father, Agni dev himself blessed her with eternal purity. She is the most favourite student of ardhanarishwar who are the prime gods. She has six best friends who will stick with her even in hell. Do you really think she craves attention from pandavas"
825 words

The five mothers and three musketeers were leaving to magadh

Draupadi and suthanu made a scene.

Arjun and Pandavas did not say anything to them because of their promise

The eight people started to reprimand them.

The soldier will tell all of this to abhinaya. What will be her reaction?

How was the chapter? Tell me in the comments section down

Next update is also today

Until then
Radhe Radhe

Author Sakshi

Abhi twins - A Mahabharata fanfiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now