chapter 61

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Then everyone was introduced to her. She met a few ministers but the other ministers had left the court as they did not want to be under the rule of a female. Hence they left.

Dwaith said "maharani, some ministers left the court as they did not like the rule of a queen."

Abhinaya said "good for them. I do not want such people who have a patriarchal mindset in my court. Mahamantri, tell me. One by one. The authority of the ministers who left my court."

Dwaith said "maharani the first one to leave was vibahu, the defence minister"

Lakshman said "maharani with your permission," abhinaya nodded and Lakshman continued"if you permit, I would love to take the post"

Abhinaya said "okay, Kumar Lakshman will considered as the defence minister of magadh. And you will be taking the oath on the day of my coronation. And princess Lakshmana, I have a offer for you. Will you like to be the representative of the females in my court"

Lakshmana nodded and said "i would love to be"

Abhinaya said "you too will take the oath on the same day. Mahamantri next."

Dwaith said "general of the army"

Abhimanyu said "since my position as the general of hastinapur and indraprastha army was given to Draupadi nandhan shrutasena. I would take the post if you have no problem"

Abhinaya said "okay Rajkumar abhimanyu will also be coronated as the general of the army on the same day"

Jayanth said "maharani, I am already a member in the court of maharaj ashwatthama back in kampilya. Therefore I  am just going to advise you or help you in certain tasks but I will not be considered as the member of your court"

Siddharth said "me too. Maharani. The member of Ayodhya court"

Vrishaketu said "I have no such responsibility in the court of Anga. Therefore if permitted I can handle the ministry of medical science"

Abhinaya said "Rajkumar Vrishaketu. I would love to have you all in my court. And Mahamantri please arrange the other ministers. And please arrange few people for the respective positions. And please note I will personally test them if they eligible for the posting or not"

Dwaith replied "which posts. Maharani"

Abhinaya said "since Rajkumari Lakshmana is the representative of the females of magadh. We need a person to also represent the male population. And to know what problems each caste is facing. We also need representatives of each caste. And it is open for Every one. And also make sure the schools for females are open soon."

Dwaith said "maharani, it will be ready to open in a couple of days. The people have requested you to open it."

Abhinaya said "okay I will do it. And yes I also need a female to help me like my assistant. Please select a few females to do that"

Dwaith nodded.

Abhinaya also said "ask the raj purohit to select a nearby date for the coronation celebration. Then make sure to official invites to all the kingdoms especially dwarka, Ayodhya, kampilya, and Anga. And when you are sending the messenger to hastinapur, let him know that before he leaves he should have a word with me."

Dwaith said "I will do it as soon as possible" and left the court

Abhinaya said to Vijay, the minister of finance "Vijay ji, please ask a few maids to clean six rooms as soon as possible. And keep one room that faces east direction separately, and make aure this east facing room is near to my chambers. All the rooms are in rhe same block as mine"

Vijay said "i am happy to help you maharani" and then he also left the court.

Abhinaya checked the state of her kingdom and after a couple of hours the court ended.

Then they went back to their common room to discuss topics. They discussed how the coronation should go. Colour theme. And other stuff.

Vrishaketu said "guys how about we war the same colour tomorrow"

Siddharth said "yeah nice idea"

Abhimanyu asked "but which colour?"

Lakshmana said "pink"

Lakshman said "no"

Jayanth said "black"

Abhinaya said "I wore it yesterday. Lakshmana and chandra wore it three days ago. So no"

Abhimanyu suggests "how about blue"

Abhinaya said "I am okay"

Jayanth and Siddharth said "nice choice"

Laksh twins said "i love the colour"

Vrishaketu said "if you all are okay. Then tomorrow blue outfit"

They had dinner and retired to their chambers
839 words

The way abhinaya talks. And the way she gives out responsibilities to everyone.

Abhimanyu's position was taken. And tada abhimanyu is the general of the army of Magadha. Lakshman, the defence minister of magadh. Lakshmana the representative of the females. Vrishaketu the minister of medical science.

Jayanth and Siddharth are the only members of Chaotic seven who are not the members of the court of magadh.

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Next update is also today

Until then
Radhe Radhe

Author Sakshi

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