Chapter 1

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Nathalie's POV:

If you had told me 20 years ago that becoming friends with Gabriel Agreste would eventullay lead to me chasing his son down the cold morning streets of Paris, maybe I would have not become his friend.

"Adrian, please slow down!" I say huffing as I sprint after the rebellious blonde boy.

"No Nathalie I want to go to school!" He yells back to me as he slides to a stop at the front of Françoise Dupont high school.

I finally catch up to him, I'm a good runner but god he is fast.

I stop, running a hand through my now messy bun, trying to take deep breaths to calm down my burning lungs.

"Listen...Adrian...I'll talk to not...gonna help." I say between heaving breaths.

It was good 15 blocks we ran in the cold 30 degree morning from the Agreste Mansion to the school.

Adrian's chest rises and falls hard as he himself tries to catch a breath.

He then sighs and turns to face me.

"I-I-I just want to be a normal kid." He says and walks up to me, his big green eyes watery.

I pull him into a hug, squeezing him. He's had it the hardest since Emilie passed away three years ago.

His father, Gabriel, completely shut down and has kept Adrian basically locked up in that house. He only ever gets to go out for fencing lessons, modeling shoots, or on the odd chances I can convince his father to let Adrian come with me somewhere.

I've been trying so hard to get Gabriel to losen up and let the poor boy go to school and actually have a life, but so far not a lot of luck.

"I-I know, I'm not gonna give up on this okay? If I have to literally beg your father I will." I say and pull back, my arms resting on his shoulders.

He laughs and wipes a single tear off his pink cheeks.

"Thank you Natalie. I don't know what I'd do without you." He says smiling.

My heart strings pull at his kind words and I smile myself, him being the only person left I smile for.

On her deathbed Emilie made me promise her that I was going to look after Adrian and make sure he gets a normal childhood, and gets to have fun. And also made me swear that if Gabriel becomes like he is today I would pull him out.

Im gonna keep those promises until my dying breath.

"I don't know what I'd do without you either kid." I say and squeeze his shoulders once with my hands before I drop them to my sides.

"You know I don't have my English class call until 9:15 and it's only 8 right now...." Adrian says, a beginning of a smirk spreads across his mouth.

"And what are you suggesting...?" I ask raising one brow while I cross my arms.

"Breakfast!" He says and then grabs one of my cold hands beginning to pull me down the quiet sidewalk.

"Cmon I know a wonderful bakery just down the street!"

I know Gabriel is going to be freaking pissed if I don't take Adrian home right away but...... I can't say no to him. Not after not being able to convince his father to let him go to school. I gotta give him something.

"Alright, but just for and hour okay? I don't need you dad any madder at me." I say and fasten my pace.

"Yay! This is gonna be so great!" He says and pulls me faster down the cold streets of Paris.

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