Chapter 12

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One month later

Nathalie's POV:

Water droplets fall from my wet hair onto my cold shoulders as I stand in my closet trying to figure out what to wear.

Tugging the white towel tighter around my naked body, I reach out a hand pushing my clothes this way and that on the rack as I struggle to find something to wear for tonight.

One of my old friends Penny messaged me saying she needed a girls night out, I had happily agreed and was going to meet her and Caline outside one of Paris's best restaurants in one hour.

My hand brushes across a dark blue strapless jumpsuit that dips down between the breasts, and falls to the arches of my feet. It's perfect. Pulling off my towel and tugging on the jumpsuit and a pair of black strapped heels, I head to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

30 minutes later Ive finished. Having still got half an hour left to chill I take out my phone and begin to answer all the emails I didn't have time to do today.

Looking up at the clock I realize it's now 7:55 and I need to go get a cab. Work sucked me in, I didn't even realize I was running a few minutes behind already.

Grabbing my black shoulder purse and swinging it on I quickly walk out of my apartment and down to the lobby.

Nodding a gentle hello to the doorman I enter the cold streets of Paris realizing I forgot a jacket.

"Shit jacket right.....oh well the restaurant will hopefully be warm."

Hailing a cab I slide in and give the older looking man the directions to the dinner place. It's only ten minutes away so while I still have a few more minutes to kill I pull out my phone.

I'm just about to open an email when my phone rings and the caller id of 'Mr.Agreste' pops over my inbox.

The last month between me and Gabriel has been......pleasant? Normal? Odd?

After realizing he was never going to feel the same about me the way I felt about him I decided to distance my self from him. Not physically but professionally. I went back to only calling him
Sir, and I stopped flirting with him.

He to my knowledge hasn't noticed, or he just doesn't care. He doesn't request I call him by name, or try to flirt with me anymore. Whatever spell came over us in October is long gone.

Picking up the call and placing it to my ear I speak.

"Mr.Agreste, is everything all right?"

It wasn't like him to call me, especially on a Saturday night.

"Do you know where those winter line papers with all the printed out sketches are?" He asks in a slightly frustrated breath.

I close my eyes trying to remember where I put them.

"Ummm they should be in my desk sir. If not there, then yours?"

"I checked both."

"Oh alright umm..."

Quickly glancing at the time I sigh knowing I'm already a few minutes late to dinner. I can go another time, work comes first.

Opening the 'girls' group chat with Penny and Caline I send off a quick text.

Natalie: Hey girls I'm gonna have to cancel. Work.

Caline: Aweee alright Nath, we understand.

Penny: GIRLLL! Alright next time though you can't bail.

Nathalie: Next time. I promise.

Closing the message and pulling back up the call tab on my phone I speak.

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