Chapter 16

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Nathalie's POV:

My red painted nails grip the stack of Christmas gifts in my arms as I heave open the Agreste mansion door. There is another snowstorm on the way and the wind gushing around me made it hard to push open the door. The walk over here had ruined my hair and I could only hope I could fix it once inside.

Quickly pushing the heavy door shut behind me I smile as my blue eyes wander across the heavily decorated halls that me, Gabriel, and Adrian spent hours on last night. It was a late night I didn't get home till 12. The decorating had been fun though, Adrian and his father have become much closer now that Gabriel's trying to be present. So we spent the night laughing and running around trying to get the house to look nice for tonight's Christmas Eve party.

It's been years since the Agreste mansion was filled with joy in Christmas. It used to be Emilies favorite holiday, and after she left.....neither of the boys ever felt in high spirits on the holiday. I tried to help them, but my attempts were no use.

I'm pulled from my thoughts at Gabriel's voice coming from my left.

"Hey Gorgeous."

I turn, my white knee high boots that are slightly wet from the walk over here, squeaking loudly as I move.

My eyes widen in delight as I take in the extremely tall and extremely handsome man, that is now my boyfriend? God is that right.

He's wearing dark grey pants that tightly hug his strong thighs, coffee brown shoes that shine in the Christmas tree lights, and a dark red sweater with a white collar shirt under.

"Hey you." I say quickly glancing around to make sure there no Adrian or staff around us. Finding no one I gently drop the many gifts on the floor and rush to him.

He smiles as his arms open, taking me into a deep hug. He then pulls us behind a tall dark green plant, so that if anyone were to walk in the foyer they would not immediately spot us.

He pushes me to the wall my back resting against it as I pull back from his warm and oak scented embrace, god did I love the way he smelled. Hanging my arms around his, his around my waist we smile at each other.

"Merry Christmas Eve."

"Merry Christmas Eve." He reply's before cupping my cheek, stealing a kiss from my red lips.

"Shhhh Gabe! What is someone sees!" I whisper yell while giggling as he plants kisses down my jaw and somewhat exposed neck.

"Oh screw that, I don't care." He says gently biting the soft skin of my neck that's above my white turtleneck.

I grab his face pulling it from my neck, giving him a serious look, not that it has much effect since I'm struggling not to smile.

"You keep doing that you're going to leave a mark mister."

"So? You don't want something telling everyone that you're mine and only mine." He says stealing another kiss from my lips, this time taking longer to pull away.

Slightly out of breath by the time he pulls away I close my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Well if you're going to make one, put it somewhere covered. But it can wait until later, we've got things to do." I say slipping out of his grasp, going to pick up the dropped gifts.

"If you say so. But I'm going to take you up on that 'later'." He says grinning and begins to help pick up some of the gifts.

I blush at the thought and I'm tempted to make 'later' now, but before I can contemplate pulling him into a dark room, Adrian runs down the stairs screaming.

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