Chapter 14

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A month later

Nathalie's POV:

"SHIT IM LATE!" I groan aloud hiking up the massive red gown up around my ankles and sprinting up the stairs to the Christmas ball inside the massive castle.

Reaching to top of the long steps I huff taking a moment to catch my breath. It was currently 9:46 and I was meant to be inside at 9:15 but the horrid Christmas traffic made my cab take ages to arrive to the French countryside.

Pulling up my black gloves farther up my elbows and straightening the large diamond necklace i currently wear I take one more breath before pushing open the castles doors.

It was December 21st and the annual Agreste Christmas ball is tonight. The ball is always a few days after the winter line show, along with the show the ball gives another chance for investors and buyers to see all the lavish designs that weren't at the show.

Closing the doors behind me were its starting to snow I look around to find an empty foyer. Before I can pull out my phone someone yells.


I whip around, the long gown whirling around me, I smile as I see Adrian running up to me, Mari tailing behind him. He leaps into my arms and I squeeze him tightly.

After Gabriel told me Adrian called me mom I talked to him about it and he asked if it would be okay if he continued to call me that. I happily said yes with the thought of what Gabriel said to me about how even though Emilie will always be his mom, but he needs a new one in mind.

Pulling away I hold him at arms length as I take in his black bow tie suit.

"Bow tie is a good look on you kid." I say and straightening the black bow.

"That's what I said." Mari says sliding up to us and wrapping a hand around Adrian's.

Adrian blushes sheepishly at the compliments.

"Yeah yeah thank you guys. But if we're talking about looking good it's you mom! That dress is going to make dad and everybody else drop dead." He says waving a hand at my dress.

It is rather stunning, a large strapless gown that hugs my midsection and chest tightly before spilling out to flowing folded fabric the splits at the right leaving a long slit up to my hip. Gabriel designed it.

A few days ago he shows up to my apartment with the large garment in hands saying it was for me to wear at the ball. Saying he wanted me to wear it and not one of the wife's of his investors.

I took it and have been blushing since, he wanted me to wear it! Me! I still felt the same about not letting myself love him. Adrian comes first above all else, I cannot risk losing him. So while me and Gabriel have become closer I'm not going to take the next step. I like where we are, that's that.

"Oh yes Nathalie you are stunning in that dress! Truly everyone's eyes will be looking apon you tonight." Mari says.

"Awe thanks guys, well should we go test that out?" I say starting to move to the ballroom doors infront of us.

They cheer and follow after me, reaching the large oak and gold doors I gently push them open walking through.

Realizing I'm at the top of a grand staircase I move to the railing gazing down to the dancing couples below. Even though I sent out all the invitations I'm still shocked by how many people there are, I know there's exactly 250 but it seems more.

Hearing the doors open every one turns around looking up to see me slowly starting to descend the long flight of stairs, Adrian and Mari close behind.

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