Chapter 5

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Nathalie's POV:

It's been a few days since we visited the Dupan-Cheng bakery, meaning it was a week day, meaning I am stressing at work, like always.

I sigh frustratedly as I scan the email, it made no sense. There was some problem about the venue I had booked for Gabriel's fall fashion show next Saturday. Something about the stage never being delivered and me needing to find a new one.

I push my glasses onto my head and cover my face in my hands, taking a few deep breaths. If I had known 12 years ago that taking Gabriel's job offer would lead to so much stress, I might have just turned it down.

I love this job don't get me wrong, I got to be with Emilie and Gabriel every day, my two closest friends, and then I got became the nanny for my godson, Adrian, which was amazing and I adore that part of my job. But the stress....

"Natalie is something the matter?" Gabriel asks from his podium.

I pull my hands from my face and turn to him, putting on a reassuring look on my face hoping he won't freak out.

"It's just the stage that was set to be delivered and built yesterday never arrived." I say pulling back down my glasses and pushing them upward with my pointer finger.

He stays silent for a moment and I'm sure he's going to get mad, at me, at the venue, at everything.

"I see, we'll just find another one."

"Right away sir." I say shocked he didn't yell or do something.

I begin to desperately search for a last minute stage.

An hour and a half later I've found one. Thankfully there was a stage for sale that had just been done being used in London and the owners were going to ship it here in time.

I push away from my desk seeing its 2:30pm and Adrian gets out at 3, meaning I need to go quickly grab something to eat, since I had no time for lunch, and head out to pick him up.

Standing up and grabbing my purse I am halfway to the office doors before Gabriel says.

"Thank you Nathalie, for all that you do."

I turn around slightly surprised he said something nice like that.

"You're welcome sir."

With that I leave and quickly run to the kitchen grabbing an extra sandwich they had made for Gabriel's and the staffs lunch.

I stick the half unwrapped paper sandwich in my mouth as I holding my purse in one hand and my phone in the other. The sellers of stage were texting to double check the price and date.

30 minutes later I lean against the black car door waiting for Adrian to get out of school. The car door was being warmed by the sun and it felt nice against my cold skin.

It was only October but god it was cold.

The school bell rings loudly exactly at 3pm. Few minutes pass by but no Adrian, he's probably just saying goodbye. I think to myself.

But before I can of think anything else Marinette runs up to me panting. Reaching me, she bends over trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry I fast as......I could......I came from across...... the school." She says through heaving breaths.

"No worries, is something the matter?" I ask as she stands straight again running a hand over her messy hair.

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