Chapter 7

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Nathalie's POV:

Me and Adrian make the last few steps to the spot where his suprise party is being held. Reaching the rim of tree surrounding the lawn patch he begins to say something.

"What's all thi-."

Before he can finish his sentence everybody jumps out of the trees screaming.


They all blow little birthday horns and runs up to him.

"Oh my gosh you guys didn't!" Adrian says smiling so wide, hugging a few of his friends. Who I assume must be Alya and Nino run up and give him a massive hugs. Nino gently hits Adrian arm with a fist.

"Yeah man, we had to do something for you."

Adrian laughs and hangs one arm around Marinettes shoulders. Both blushing a dark red.

He then turns his head to face me behind him.

"There was no modeling shoot huh?"

I shrug my shoulders smiling softly.


He smiles and then gets a tug from Nino, the four of them running off, going to show Adrian everything they set up.

I follow after them wanting too see everything myself.

As I walk deeper into the rim of trees I notice the balloons and banners hanging from the branches. There's a large booth to my right that has speakers on it and a dj set which must be Ninos. I look to my left and see two long tables covered with all sorts of food from mini sliders to a massive three tear blue and gold cake.

There's at least 10 picnic blankets strewn about, many people sitting on them, I spot a few people I recognize. Chloé, her father the mayor, a few of Adrian's favorite teachers, all his friends, their parents, and even more.

God his friends really went all out. It's adorable.

I find a tree on the outer rim of the party and lean against it, watching the party. Adrian's friends drag him all around the lawn showing him this and that. All of them smiling so big.

As I'm watching the kids run around, Sabine and a man who must be her husband walk up to me hand in hand.

"Hey Nathalie! I want you to meet my husband Tom." Sabine says gesturing to Tom.

He's a tall man with light brunette hair and dark brown eyes. He smiles and holds out a large hand, I take it.

"Hey nice to meet you! Sabine told me about you." He says shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you. Adrian has told me a lot about you." I say smiling kindly.

Which is true, Adrian has told me all about Marinettes parents, how they always offer them food and to try new things on the bakery's menu. They even let him and Mari bake together, which he told me was one of his favorite things to do with her.

"All good things I hope." He says laughing, taking back his hand.

"Oh yes, Adrian absolutely loves you guys."

"Awe that's good to hear. We love him too." Sabine replies.

We talk a bit more about the kids and then they say their goodbyes as they have to go help serve all the food they brought.

So once again I am left alone, watching Adrian.

He sits on a picnic blanket his closets friends around him. They all laugh at something he said, his arm is still sweetly wrapped around Marinettes shoulders.

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