Chapter 18

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Several days later

Nathalie's POV:

I tug my black coat closer around me as I stride hand in hand with Gabriel down the cold streets of Paris. Adrian eagerly walk ahead of us almost skipping by how exited he is.

Today we were going to get his puppy. His birthday was several months ago but at that time the puppies had just been born and needed a while with their mother, we also just did not have the time. But last week I promised Adrian we would go pick the dog up after Christmas.

Christmas had been wonderful, it was just me Gabriel's and Adrian that whole day. We ate good food, opened what must have been a thousand presents, but my favorite part was after all that we sat down and watched my favorite Christmas movie Love Actually.

Pulling me from my thoughts I feel gentle squeeze on my hand and I move my gaze from the blonde boy infront of me to the tall handsome one next to me.


"Hey." Gabriel's gives me a small smile.

"You ready to have a puppy?" I give me an exited but questioning brow.

His smile widens and he shakes his head.

"No. That thing is going to tear apart and pee on everything."

I give him a wide smile of my own, a soft breathy laugh escaping my lungs.

"That's what puppy's do. But cmon it'll be worth it. Adrian will be so happy."

"He's already so happy."

I give him a pointed look.

"But.....he'll be more happy." He breaths giving me a small smile, I bump my shoulder against his.

"There we go." I say replacing the annoyed look with a happy one.

We spend the rest of walk in content silence. Reaching the pound where the puppies are Adrian races inside ahead of us. Making our own time to go inside im immediately hit with the strong scent of animals. While this was one of the nicer pounds I've been too, the smell never changes. I notice Gabriel's grimace at the Oder and I keep a quiet laugh to myself.

The mother of the puppies, Mimi, had been brought in from the streets right before she gave birth. I follow multiple shelter accounts so when they posted about having new puppies the idea for Adrian perfect gift lit up. I then quickly called the pound and made sure to reserve a spot for one puppy. I did ask they chose the most calm and least crazy puppy to be reserved. While Gabriel has truly changed I don't quite believe he would be so happy if a puppy "tore apart and peed on everything we own."

Walking up to the front desk Adrian eagerly rolls back and forth on his heels as he stands next to me admiring the small room with hundreds of framed pictures of the pounds residents.

Few minutes later a kind looking woman in dark blue scrubs guides us back deeper into the small shelter. Winding past our last turn she stops and smiles pointing to the small metal cage ring of yellow puppies tacking each other.

Adrian races over leaning over the small circle cage to see the puppies closer up.

"Oh there so cute!"

The woman then walks over and picks up a rather large looking yellow puppy and places him carefully in Adrian's arms. He cradles the large puffball of soft golden fur as he coos at it.

"He doesn't have a name, so please chose one. If that's all you all are welcome to stay as long as you want. Just use the way we came to this room back and exit from the desk." She says giving each of us a glittering smile.

We nod and quickly say our thank yous.

"So what's his name?" Gabriel asks petting the puppies head softly.

"Hmmmmm I don't know! There are so many but none seem right...."

The puppy clams pants in Adrian's arms as he enjoys all the pets and love.

"What about....Hawk?" I offer while also going up to pet the puppy.

"Oh I love it! Okay hawk it is." Adrian says while lifting the small puppy into the air and smiling. The puppy seeming to like the name happily yips!

"'s a good one." Gabriel says slowly a small smile spreading across his lips.

I smile back.

Looking at Adrian smiling so happily and Gabriel who also had happiness written across his face I can't help let one come across my own lips.

This happened.

Adrian got a normal childhood and is happy.

Gabriel's no longer stuck in that endless spiral, and he seems happy. No I know he's happy.

A little happy family.

Me, Adrian, Gabriel and now Hawk.

Tears prick the outskirts of my eyes as I sigh, Adrian doesn't notice, too busy with the puppy but Gabriel's eyes wander to mine and they flash with question and worry.

Walking up to the two boys I wrap and arm around Gabriel's waist leaning in and pushing my face against his soft shirt.

"What's wrong?" He asks rubbing a hand up and down my arm.

Turning to him I smile my eyes wet.

"Nothing that's it. Nothing's wrong, we're all happy.....and together."

His worry washes away to reveal pure joy, he kisses my head while wrapping an arm around the still oblivious Adrian.

"One family."

All I ever wanted happened. It's surreal. I still don't quite believe it, I have a family. A real one.

Pushing away my tears I laugh as hawk tries to eat Adrian hoodie strings.

We stay like that for a while, admiring our new family member. The last one to complete us.

The end
It's done! I do apologize for ending it so abruptly but I have gotten way too busy to keep up with it. And I have run out of my "writing motivation."

Thank you all so much for reading this book. Words cannot explain how grateful I am for all the reads, votes, and comments. I truly appreciate you all very much.

So with that, thank you and goodbye<3

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